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S.W.A.T. || Testing Procedure

Posted: August 2, 2020, 4:45 pm
by S.W.A.T.

Last updated - 10 April, 2022.
Testing procedure & Details about SWAT testGreetings everybody,

It's most likely that your interest into joining S.W.A.T. is the reason that made you look for this topic, so before getting into details, we'd like to express our deepest appreciation for your interest. Being here means you understand how crucial it is to seek for knowledge before stepping in, and it is a great sign that you're on the right path. Our advice to all of you would be to believe in your potential and not to surrender, you should rise up against the odds.

After you have posted your application, the first part of getting tested is contacting a Warrant Officer to take your test. You can message a Warrant Officer on discord/in-game and ask them to take your test. Note that you can ask a Warrant Officer to take your test only if your application has been verified, i.e. the testing template has been posted. Also, if a Warrant Officer is busy and refuses to take your test, please don't annoy him by asking him to take your test again and again, this can result in your application getting denied.

Now if the Warrant Officer accepts your request to test you, he will call you to a specific location or he will come to you and will ask you to follow some instructions, you are requested to come to that location and follow those instructions.

A SWAT test consists of 4 parts, those 4 parts are as follows (orderwise):

  • Communication skills
  • S.W.A.T. Rules
  • Speed of commands
  • M4 & Sniper accuracy

It is to be remembered that every applicant should rely on himself whilst being tested, we do highly forbid any form of cheating during the SW.A.T. test. Punishments we take regarding this matter depends on the situation.

After you both meet in-game and have followed the instructions correctly, you will move towards the first part of the test.

Communication skills:
This is the initial part of your S.W.A.T. Test, your English knowledge will be evaluated within a conversation with the warrant officer. It's recommended to express yourself and to avoid briefly answering the questions you're being asked. This doesn't in any way mean you need to be a perfect at English, but a decent amount of knowledge that makes you able to make and receive calls.

S.W.A.T Rules:
If the first part of the test goes well, you'll be moving to the next part which would allow us to have an idea about your S.W.A.T. & server rules knowledge. The warrant officer will let you know of some particular guidelines that you have to respect during this part of the test. Once you're ready to start, you'll be asked 10 questions regarding both faction & server related matters (principally rules ), bear in mind that only one mistake can be tolerated, if you make more mistakes, your application will be denied.

Speed of commands:
After completing your rules part successfully, you will proceed towards the SOC part (Speed of Commands). This part is divided into 2 sub-parts:

  • Standing part: In this part, you are required to /taze /cuff /search /ar the Warrant Officer as fast as you can.
  • Running part: This part is the same as the Standing part. The only difference is that, you and your Warrant Officer, both will be running during the Running part. You will need to /taze /cuff /search /ar him as fast as you can while you and him are running. You can taze twice in this part, if you decide to taze two times, the time will be counted from the second taze.

The average of your Standing part and Running part will be calculated and used during the overall grading of the test. You'll have three attempts for each part and your SOC average should not in any part be more than or equal to 6 seconds, else your application will be auto denied.

M4 & Sniper accuracy:
This is the last part of the test, after you manage to successfully complete the Speed of Commands part, you will proceed towards the shooting part where you'll also be requested to follow some guidelines. This part is divided into two sub-parts:

  • M4 part: Your Warrant Officer will get into a car (preferably Sultan), and he will drive the car towards you. You will have 2 attempts where you should only use M4 to pop his tires, keep in mind that in damaging his vehicle will have a negative effect on the results.
  • Sniper part: Works the same way as the earlier part, except that you'll be using sniper to pop tires this time.

We hope that the future applicants will be able to follow the above guidelines, if they have any issues, they can contact a Warrant Officer or the SWAT staff and tell them their issue and we will try to adjust according to them.