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Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude

Posted: July 2, 2019, 10:44 am
by getrektdude

Terrorists Application


In-Game Name: GeTReKTDude
Score: 9883
Previous Group: StuntKings. (Temp rights)
Activity: 615h:40m
Joined: 543 days ago
Proof of Status:
Time Zone & Country: Pakistan (GMT+5)
Reason: Greetings, I'm highly interested in join Terrorists as it suits best for me with most of my friends in here, Base of this group is in ideal place with works great for me, This group is really good and i would be glad to be a part of it. I love how this groups offers you various vehicles in one place which is really good, same goes for weapon\item\drug depots, As i dont have any primary group, this group would be the best for me :D

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude

Posted: July 2, 2019, 10:57 am
by Saeed7

ResponseHello, GetrektDude - Thank you for submitting an application to Terrorists.

Before we can Accept/Deny your application, you'll be tested in few parts in-game. This test will consist of your knowledge about the Group Rules/ Driving/ Shooting and Task Assessment. If you fail to score less than 4/5 in the rules part, your application will be automatically denied. You must also score more than 3 overall, in order to proceed with your application. Once you've applied, you can PM a member of the recruitment team in-game if he wishes to conduct the test however spamming and annoying will lead to instant denial of the application.

You can be tested by any of the following Recruiters:
If you wish so, you can also get tested by the head tester:

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTING LEFT]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 12:53 pm
by Saeed7

Tester's Name: Saeedi
Date: 7/2/2019

Test ResultsRules - 4.5/5
Note(s): Applicant was asked 10 Questions,Answered 9 correctly.

Driving - 2.5/5
Note(s): needs to improve in driving

Shooting - 3/5
Note(s): his task was to duel me wih sawnoffs and pop my tyres using m4.

Tasks - 3.5/5
Note: Task can't be mentioned here.

Overall - 3.375/5

Tester's Opinion: Recommended
Good Attitude.Friendly
needs to improve in driving.

Thank you once again for applying for Terrorists.
Good luck with your application.

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTING LEFT]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 12:58 pm
by HaroldPerez
Negative from now i always seeing you in cops skin manytimes Please improve your Criminal Activity and Driving

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTING LEFT]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 3:54 pm
by Berlin
Good Guy,
Good Attitude,
Fine test.

Good luck

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTED]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 5:43 pm
by Hunain0
I am giving you neutral because i saw you are active in cop more than criminal
and you are skilled not doubt
great attittude
good luck ..

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTED]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 7:13 pm
by MichL1337

-Good Attitude.
-Active As Criminal.

Good Luck, Have Fun.

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTED]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 8:08 pm
by RockingJohnson
A helpful guy who is always showing a great attitude towards others, i am well known that his crime activities are quite low but i still think he will be improving that with us NO DOUBT.

Good Luck, Have Fun

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTED]

Posted: July 2, 2019, 11:51 pm
Good attitude
Good skills
Low activity as criminal(we all expect you improve it)
Good luck!

Re: Terrorists Application: GeTReKTDude [TESTED]

Posted: July 3, 2019, 12:04 am
by Wanted.
Neutral, don`t know him and never seen him in game.