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Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed

Posted: January 24, 2019, 6:02 am
by Muzzammil_Ahmed

Terrorists Application


In-Game Name: Muzzammil_Ahmed
Score: 5 154
Previous Group: none
Activity: 616h:9m
Joined: 682 days ago
Proof of Status:
Time Zone & Country: GMT +5 Pakistan.
Reason: Hello Everyone, Im applying here again, My name is Muzzammil_Ahmed. Here is my Terrorists group application reason and im playing from long time, one of the best groups there is. Terrorists is a good group " I love this group and I love all the members , I promise you will stay for a very long time like the previous and I will trust you more and I will be at your good. Base always liked to Cop-hunt and improve my skills, Terrorists got very nice members/leaders they can handle the group well+active members, I am always trying to improve my skills and become a good fighter. I have alots of friends in this group they said to Terrorists group is the group so i like to apply here. I thank you all for reading my application.


Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed

Posted: January 24, 2019, 6:15 am
by Wanted.

ResponseHello, Muzzammil_Ahmed - Thank you for submitting an application to Terrorists.

Before we can Accept/Deny your application, you'll be tested in few parts in-game. This test will consist of your knowledge about the Group Rules/ Driving/ Shooting and Task Assessment. If you fail to score less than 4/5 in the rules part, your application will be automatically denied. You must also score more than 3 overall, in order to proceed with your application. Once you've applied, you can PM a member of the recruitment team in-game if he wishes to conduct the test however spamming and annoying will lead to instant] denial of the application.

You can be tested by any of the following Recruiters.
If you wish so, you can also get tested by the head tester:
Note: If you have failed to explain the code words properly then, your test won't be proceeded and you will be denied..

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTING LEFT]

Posted: January 28, 2019, 4:47 pm
by Ginger

Tester's Name: [Lsrcr]Ginger
Date: 28/1/2019

Test ResultsRules - 4/5
Note(s): Applicant gave 2 answers wrong.

Driving - 3.7/5
Note(s): He managed to complete my route on 400+ hp and no stunt was skipped by him.

Shooting - 3.4/5
Note(s): His M4 skills are fine but he need to work on his sawn off skills.

Tasks - 3.5/5
Note: Task can't be mentioned here.

Overall - 3.6/5

Tester's Opinion: Positive
Chill dude, Nice attitude, Good luck.

Thank you once again for applying for Terrorists.
Good luck with your application.

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTING LEFT]

Posted: January 28, 2019, 4:48 pm
by MichL1337

-Good Attitude.
-Active As Criminal.

Good Luck, Have Fun.

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 28, 2019, 6:58 pm
by Shelby
-Okay Attitude.
-Okay Test
-Good luck

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 28, 2019, 7:38 pm
by MinaTo

~Good Guy
~Good Attitude
~Average test

Good Luck !

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 28, 2019, 9:24 pm
by loverboy111
I'm going with Neutral Because i din't know about you about your attitude wish u Best of Luck!!

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 29, 2019, 4:02 am
by mzaid
Good attitude
Fine test
Good luck.

Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 29, 2019, 4:08 am
by justbirn152

Hellow Muzzammil_Ahmed Im here To Vote Your Application My Vote For You Is Positive

[*]Attitude:Is Good
[*]Active:Very Active
[*]Skilled:Your Are Skilled

Ready To Join Terrorists


Re: Terrorists Application: Muzzammil_Ahmed [TESTED]

Posted: January 29, 2019, 10:36 am
by Saeed7
Thankyou For Applying For Terrorists
Hello Muzzammil_Ahmed
My Vote for you is a Positive,because of following reasons:-
Good Attitude
Avg. driving
semi-active as a criminal.
Comment : Goodluck