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Terrorists Application: Denakola

Posted: July 30, 2020, 8:47 pm
by denakola101

Terrorists Application


In-Game Name: Denakola
Score: 3 568
Previous Group: None
Activity: 349h 7min
Joined: 778 days ago
Proof of Status: Image
Time Zone & Country: GMT+2 EGYPT
Reason: hello everyone, im came today to join terrorists i want to join terrorists because its awesome And good Since the leadership and staff are skilled and successful in the game I love cars, weapons, items and drugs like the site and vehicles this group because it's really big honor i want to play in this group Because it is a loved group of members thanks for reading my application


Re: Terrorists Application: Denakola

Posted: August 1, 2020, 12:10 pm
by Shelby

ResponseHello, Denakola - Thank you for submitting an application to Terrorists.

Before we can Accept/Deny your application, you'll be tested in few parts in-game. This test will consist of your knowledge about the Group Rules and your shooting skills of Sawn-off and M4.
You will be asked 15 questions regarding the rules. On each correct answer you will be given 2 score.
If you failed to achieve 25 score out of 50 then your application will be denied. Once you've applied, you can PM a member of the recruitment team in-game if he wishes to conduct the test however spamming and annoying will lead to instant denial of the application.

You can be tested by any of the following Recruiters:

If you wish so, you can also get tested by the head tester:

Re: Terrorists Application: Denakola [Testing Left]

Posted: August 2, 2020, 9:22 pm
by ImLander009

Reason: Annoying to get tested.

Re-applying Date: 9-August-2020.