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Rules and Requirements

Posted: June 1, 2018, 11:00 pm
by Playa
The Maltesini Family - The Rules & Requirements

You can find the rules and requirments for the Maltesini Family here.

The Rules:

  1. You're not allowed to be in any other Mafia.
  2. You must address the Don as Don, Consigliere as Consigliere (or Con) and Underboss as Boss.
  3. You must follow the orders of a higher ranked member.
  4. DMing in the RP Zone or dueling in the base will not be tolerated. The higher ranks can give any punishments they feel suitable for the guilty.
  5. You are not allowed to go AFK in Maltesini skin for more than 30 minutes.
  6. You must roleplay when someone roleplays with you.
  7. You're not allowed to park your car inside the Maltesini soil
  8. You're not allowed to kill your 'brothers' for a hit-contract.
  9. You're not allowed to harm your 'brothers' (i.e raping/robbing them) unless you both agree to it (eg. for dueling)
  10. If you're in the Maltesini skin, you MUST stay professional at all times.
  11. If you're in the Maltesini skin, you may not trash talk other groups/cause a fight (ex. saying other groups suck)
  1. You must report a member if he breaks a rule.
  2. You're not allowed to leave your 'brother' behind.
  3. You're not allowed to ask for a promotion.
  4. You must always keep the gate/lift/office open unless you have a good reason to close them.
  5. You must be a good family respresentive
  6. You must respect your senior ranks
  7. Don't raid any HQs unless give permission by Underboss+
  8. Never insult your family member when you are in skin. (Goes for IC and and OOC.
  9. Always report to the HQ if a higher rank calls you (( Capo + can call ))
  10. What's in the family stays in the family so don't give information to other groups about our family.

    Some basic roleplay rules:
  1. If you want to go inside the office always knock before entering
  2. Don't argue with your higher ranks ((Ub+)) Do what they say [However you can say him once if you don't like it but don't keep on spamming about it ]
  3. Don't insult your brothers
  4. You shall not call your senior ranks by their first name , however seniors can all with your first name.
    Cosingliere-Con or Consinglere
  5. If you are in a lemo/stretch and a higher rank member comes then always leave that seat for him/her .{Unless UB + says not to do that }
Base Rules

  1. Don't lock the gate always open it before leaving the game .
  2. Don't lock yourself in lounge or elevator when you are wanted . { If found will get a warning}
  3. Reset cars only by asking members
  4. Don't use Maltesini cars when you are not in skin
  5. Don't carjack other friends cars unless you are rping in such situations.
  6. Keep the elevators, gates and doors open so that other members don't have any problems


  1. You must have 250+ score in order to join.
  2. You must have decent roleplay knowledge.
  3. You must have a realistic roleplay name
  4. You must try to be as active as possible
  5. You must listen to an administrator when he tells you something regarding Maltesini
  6. You must try to help out your 'brothers'
  7. You must try your best to vouch or unrecommend applicants.
  8. You must try your best to help out the Family

By applying for the Maltesini Family you accept to follow these rules, and if you fail to do so, you will accept the following punishments:

  1. A Demotion
  2. A Warning
  3. A Kick
  4. A Kick + Blacklist