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Group Robberies

Posted: March 7, 2023, 9:34 am
by Mgd_Azam
Your name: Mgd_Azam
Suggestion headline: Add
Spoiler: show
Importance of suggestion: 10/10
Why should it be accepted: Alright so, group robberies is like that, group of friends that created a group chat or from the same gang, can go together to rob stores at the same time, once they enter a store together and somebody aims on the NPC, it starts a robbery for the group that's robbing the store

What is the benefits from this? It's more fun, since cops always come more than one to chase the suspects, army and swat and cops, and it will be more fun if this suggestion gets accepted because In my eyes It will give more adventures to the both sides, cops and criminals.

I know /partner 2 is available but I think having bigger group like 4 or 5 people is so much better, and making it able to open the vaults thats inside the store It's self to give more cash for all the robbers.

Thank you for taking your time reading this suggestion, hope it gets accepted.

Kind regards,
Mgd Azam.

Re: Group Robberies

Posted: March 7, 2023, 10:26 am
by Thursday
This was suggested before Idk if it was accepted or denied.

Re: Group Robberies

Posted: March 9, 2023, 1:24 am
by Nex
I'm agree with you dude. This suggest should be accepted