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S.A.P.T Application: Zain_Anda [Testing left]

Posted: July 26, 2017, 7:00 pm
by Zainhasan125125
Your name: Zain_Anda
Your score: 2240
Proof of stats:
Why you want to join us? First of all i wanna join S.A.P.T that i love taxi drivers and taxi i will be themost active in sapt group as i know all location where to take passenger i love taxi drivers base and sapt house interior and main thing we can party too in sapt base so i wanna join to be a part of sapt and make sapt name up so all can join us ty! i hope that i will get accepted and be a part of taxi members <3 as i know the taxi drivers base was updated they got a items interior to have protect tfor robbing and raping by a criminal.

Re: S.A.P.T Application: Zain_Anda

Posted: July 26, 2017, 10:32 pm
by RollinZo
Your reason must be 4 full lines, 24 Hours to fix it.

Re: S.A.P.T Application: Zain_Anda

Posted: July 27, 2017, 11:10 pm
by bloackmaster
Thank you for Applying for the San Andreas Public transport!

Before the members may start voting, you must pass the test consisting of the following subjects:

  • Knowledge of the S.A.P.T. Rules.
  • Driving
  • Locations Knowledge
Keep in mind that a minimum of 3/5 is required overall in order to pass the test!
You must get tested in under 7 days from when the 'thank you for applying' template was posted, else you'll get automatically denied.

In order to take the test, please PM any of the following Driving Instructors once you see them in-game:

  • [Lsrcr]Rollinzo
  • [mr]Nobody12

In order to take the test, please PM any of the following Leaders once you see them in-game:
  • Bloackmaster
  • [Lsrcr]Knight
  • [Lsrcr]Robin - Advisor

Once you pass the test, members are going to vote on your application and once there are enough votes, you will get accepted/denied.

Best of luck with your application!

Re: S.A.P.T Application: Zain_Anda [Testing left]

Posted: August 1, 2017, 12:20 pm
by RollinZo
You have 24 Hours left to complete your test. Hurry up!

Re: S.A.P.T Application: Zain_Anda [Testing left]

Posted: August 6, 2017, 9:26 am
by RollinZo

Haven't made the test.
You may Re-apply in 7 days.