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Posted: December 17, 2023, 10:04 am
by PjokerOrange
Submit my applicationImage
In-game name: PjokerOrange
Score: 11 212+
Playtime: 1091h 42min
Proof of status:
Reason:Greetings Everyone, Hello I came here today after a long time and a lot of problems And I'm here now and I want to make an official apology in front of everyone, from me to Tommy I did something wrong but I want you to give me a chance to be a member again، Hi, my name is Joker I have a lot of experience and distinguished people in the game, and this is a good achievement Because I know many special and important people within the game I learned a lot of experiences from them And I'm happy about that، I would like to finally take a chance from staff members And thanks everyone
We Ride"N"Roll


Posted: December 17, 2023, 10:52 am
by General

Applicant is currently under trial stage"I am pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted! You are now a part of our team. During the trial period, it is important that you remain active and engage with the community. You are also allowed to vote on applications. Before you start playing, please take a moment to read the links provided below:
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact the manager+. Enjoy your time with us!"

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Best regards,
The Renegades manager team!


Posted: December 19, 2023, 10:19 am
by General

Welcome to Renegades !Congratulations, Pjoker!

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of the trial stage by Pjoker. Their commitment, insightful contributions, and dedication have impressed us all.

"In the tapestry of our group, Pjoker has woven a thread of excellence. Today, we celebrate their official entry into our esteemed group."

Let's extend a warm welcome to Pjoker!

We eagerly anticipate the continued brilliance they will bring to our discussions and Renegades activities.

Warm Regards,
Renegades Manager