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Posted: March 15, 2015, 10:09 pm
by Hilda

I'd like to clear some ideas or doubts, however, one more time i do not want to make a misunderstanding, a scandal or anything similar, instead, I'd like to see respect & also consider every opinion & perspective valid - you can be fun or troll, whatever you feel to as long as you maintain it as something not serious (remarking - follow the rules!).

So, starting quickly with the Staff team, we have a list of rules in Ls-rcr & we all also know why do we have them, it's common sense, if you break a rule it's logic that you'll receive a punishment in exchange, regardless the consequences of a rule-break, the most important thing is that you learn from the mistake & avoid repeating the situation if you know that there is a consequence not favorable to you or other players - the Staff team shows authority & also we can be seen as strict persons or abusers but believe me or not, if we show us with a low temper or strict, it's because we want to maintain the order & the peace among Ls-rcr, we are a gaming community which objective is to entertain players & maintain them having fun, we do care about the community, no matter of how you see it, we give relevance to a game which rids off in-real life stress, if you see any staff member being furious it's because we all have emotions & feelings, one thing is having emotions & other thing is focus those emotions in wrong ways, you should notice about that.

Another thing, it's not fair that someone gives an opinion insulting or using a violent/non-appropriate behavior when the other party is showing the opposite, maybe not now but some time he/she did - [Lsrcr]Energ already made a topic which stated some points to respectfully disagree towards someone or something & here are some tips of mine to give an appropriate opinion:

1. Be respectful & remain polite: Take in consideration other opinions & perspectives, if you want to argument & convince someone that you're right, do it respectfully avoiding violent behaviors, if instead the other party shows that kind of behavior simply state that wasn't your intention to disrespect him/her.

2. Use common sense/logic: While stating an argument, it's required to use common sense & logic, maintain yourself in topic & if it's possible, show valid proofs.

3. Maintain the calm: Sometimes it can be difficult to express yourself & share an opinion of yours with another persons, they can disagree in a bad manner but do not blame anyone, maintain the patience & calm.

Those are points that i think relevant to make a proper opinion & participate properly in a discussion or collectively - I have said this many times but insults or anything that could result offensive to anyone else aren't the best way to solve the things, if you insult someone, it's obvious that he/she will defend alone or a group, probably not with the best manner, probably it's a good manner.
As a Staff member, i personally ignore any intent to troll, annoy, molest or anything in particular that affects my mood & when i answer those commentaries, i follow being serious & avoid continuing with the "game", there are times when having fun is a priority so i do follow when a joke is received as a joke, if someone results offended, my best thing to solve any issue is giving an apologize & clearing that it was all intended for entertainment.

Another little point, i doubt that the Staff Team shows favoritism or abuses the power, it would have no sense, players are elected because of their capacities, abilities & personality, if you think that someone abuses his power, report it & let higher Staff ranked members know so they can deal with a situation, they can respond like they do not care or they're simply going against you but there are things that should be dealt with in specific & private places, also sometimes we try to joke & have fun as well, we can't just stay day & night serious or literally doing nothing with relevance - one more time, the patience is a virtue, if you know that you'll complain after a punishment, do not rule-break in first place, it's simple if you do care your entertainment & fun through a gaming community - if someone molest you, do not continue with the conflict, it just makes the consequences higher, report it & wait for an action, if there is none, maintain a fair distance between the other player.
If someone shows hate to you, just wish they the best & treat them like friends, we can't & we shouldn't go around the world cursing & wishing the death to everyone.

Let me know your opinions, perspective or commentaries, remember that you can be funny but please maintain the joke as a joke! :)

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 10:26 am
by JohnCarer
i promise

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 11:27 am
by noʎʞɔnɟ
JohnCarer wrote :
i promise

pinky promise

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 1:35 pm
by Jed
Don't know why,but I just have this feeling you're making these topics just so Assistant Seniors can see you being a good guy and promote you for being a good guy.No hate tho 8-)

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 1:43 pm
by Cyborg.
[Lsrcr]Jed wrote :
Don't know why,but I just have this feeling you're making these topics just so Assistant Seniors can see you being a good guy and promote you for being a good guy.No hate tho 8-)

Or or
To improve the community

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 3:18 pm
by OsamaAbouelhassan
Great topic Dani , since you asked for opinions , I'll tell you mine : the staff team are great players .. skilled , mature , funny .. an endless list of an amazing attitude towards other players .. big salute for our staff team :)

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 4:03 pm
by Hilda
[Lsrcr]Jed wrote :
Don't know why,but I just have this feeling you're making these topics just so Assistant Seniors can see you being a good guy and promote you for being a good guy.No hate tho 8-)

Not really my objective, i made this kind of topics even before i became part of the staff team, i also somehow tried to answer... different topics - though, it's your opinion!

[Lsrcr]Cyborg wrote :
[Lsrcr]Jed wrote :
Don't know why,but I just have this feeling you're making these topics just so Assistant Seniors can see you being a good guy and promote you for being a good guy.No hate tho 8-)

Or or
To improve the community

To change a community, you firstly require positive commentaries & a group that can help & well, it's a side objective of mine, my main objective is that no matter of how bad are the circumstances, a good behavior might show appropriate ideas to solve the issue (for example, a discussion) - Thanks for the commentary!

OsamaAbouelhassan wrote :
Great topic Dani , since you asked for opinions , I'll tell you mine : the staff team are great players .. skilled , mature , funny .. an endless list of an amazing attitude towards other players .. big salute for our staff team :)

Yeah, I'm looking for opinions, not from the Staff team in particular but the community players trying to solve issues through argumentations but not with the appropriate behavior or words - thanks for your participation!

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 5:04 pm
by OsamaAbouelhassan
I wanted to say something but i didn't because i don't want any trouble .. could the staff team be less strict in decisions , i mean by this the unban applications section .. im just wondering why can't a player have a second chance if he got caught for cheating for example ( specific situations ) .. no doubt any cheater will be banned , but why just no second chance is given for specific reasons such as using a hacking mod by mistake ( I'm saying this because if the player is lying , he will be banned again , simply and no way he deserves a third chance if he does so ) .. the server needs alot of time and effort to achieve something and a small mistake that wasn't meant to be done causes a permenant ban .. i was just saying my point of view .. if any staff members feels I'm mistaken .. I'm totally ready to apologise

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 7:46 pm
by Hilda
OsamaAbouelhassan wrote :
I wanted to say something but i didn't because i don't want any trouble .. could the staff team be less strict in decisions , i mean by this the unban applications section .. im just wondering why can't a player have a second chance if he got caught for cheating for example ( specific situations ) .. no doubt any cheater will be banned , but why just no second chance is given for specific reasons such as using a hacking mod by mistake ( I'm saying this because if the player is lying , he will be banned again , simply and no way he deserves a third chance if he does so ) .. the server needs alot of time and effort to achieve something and a small mistake that wasn't meant to be done causes a permenant ban .. i was just saying my point of view .. if any staff members feels I'm mistaken .. I'm totally ready to apologise

I believe that the Staff team are strict with Bans, even if they used accidentally a cheat or a hack tool giving advantage over other players, they should remain banned, the Staff team can't take the risk of unbanning a possible cheater (unless he/she has proven the opposite), if they do, they also risk to ruin the Community's fun & break the Ls-rcr Unbanning section's rules (-We do not unban cheaters).

That's what i think! :)

Re: Community!

Posted: March 16, 2015, 8:27 pm
by Guntimer
Rules are rules. We don't unban cheaters.

Also, Dani6, don't worry about what Jed said. I made these topics, too before I was anything, and I'm still a nobody. It's good to want to better the gaming community you take part in.