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Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 29, 2017, 6:25 pm
by GreaTSaN
This topic is especially created for discussion of Qur'an and Modern Science. Here, in this topic, we shall only discuss things about Qur'an and things related to Science, or in literal meaning, Miracles of Qur'an not contradicting with modern science. We're not going to bring up any theory or anything which is not approved or is not even near to a fact. We will only talk about things which are widely accepted or are facts. This discussion would mainly include atheists but every single individual here have right to come up with his question and object if they sense any wrong information either by Muslims or opposition. It's my humble request to everybody not to turn this topic into a fight or bring things which are not related to subject. Also humble request to all Muslims (those who will reply in response), please do your research before giving any reply on any argument and if you're not sure then do not reply.

We're not going to talk without references. Whatever we speak will be with references and authenticity. I'd keep updating the topic with new miracles and as I do my complete research. I don't want to copy and paste things from Internet so whatever I post here would be my own and same thing I hope from all of you.

Edit: I should make it very clear that Qur'an is the book of Signs and not the book of Science. You wouldn't find each and every information which Science tells us today but whatever you'd find as Sign would be accurate with modern science. Qur'an gives Signs for the mankind to believe. Unlike other scriptures in the past, Qur'an is the last and final revelation and thus it contains miracles for all times. Qur'an is not only meant for the people of Arab and the beauty of it is that Qur'an passes the test of time. Currently it is the time of science and whatever thing Qur'an mentions is accurate with what we've come to know now.
We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. - Chapter 41:53

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 29, 2017, 6:25 pm
by GreaTSaN
Miracle #1: Creation of the universe.
The creation of the universe was explained by many scientists in the 19th century and the most common and widely accepted phenomenon, popularly known as "Big Bang", proposed in 1927. It is supported by obversations gathered by astronomers. According to Big Bang, a massive blast allowed all the universe's known matter and energy—even space and time themselves—to spring from some ancient and unknown type of energy. In simple term, the whole universe as we know was once compressed into a hot dense mass. Then the Big Bang (like a blast) happened which give rise to galaxies then divided to form stars, planets and etc. This unique phenomenon regarding the creation of universe and everything within it is given clearly in the verse of Holy Qur'an as follows:
Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? - Chapter 21:30
This verse clearly tells us that origin of the heavens and the earth was same and that everything was joined together before Almighty clove them asunder which was what modern science is now telling us. Furthermore this verse tells us that every living things is made from water which turns out to be true also. All living things are made of cells and with the help of microscoep we now know that cells are mostly made of water. A man in the desert of arabia couldn't simply just know something and write it down which modern science comes to know now.

Furthermore, Modern science after observations and research tells us that the universe is expanding which is something someone cannot simply guess by himself. The Qur'an mention this clearly in the verse of Chapter 51:47, as follows:
And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it.

Furthermore with the help of modern science and technology we get to know that the initial stage before the formation of the galaxies, the celestial matter was intially in the form of gaseous matter. Qur'an mention this in Chapter 41:11 as:
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Indeed it is a miracle for those of knowledge. People with less understanding of Arabic and Qur'an says that the verse uses smoke instead of gas thus they don't want to accept it. They consider this smoke as the same smoke like of smoking or visible one but if we look deep into the verse, the word "Dukhan" is used which could mean (smoke, gas) matter and the verse doesn't uses the word "Dukhanim Mubin" which would means "Visible smoke" which could be a contradiction but miraciously it doesn't uses that. Example of the usage of latter is available in Chapter 44:10 as follows:
Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke.
Here the Qur'an clearly uses the word "Visible Smoke" instead of "Smoke" as used in the verse before in the creation of the universe. Furthermore, people of less knowledge say that there's already a word "Ghaz" for gas in Arabic and Almight could have used that but unfortunately they don't go in the deep history before concluding things themself. The word "Ghaz" in Arabic was derived from Greek in 17th century and was not the word of Arabic before. This word meant the ability of gas to occupy any size of vacuum.

All these things mentioned above clearly tells us about the origin, creation and the expansion of the universe which at that time, a man with zero knowledge, could not guess by himself. A man who couldn't read or write coming up with a book with is both scientifically, grammatically, historically is right. I'm going to post historical events mentioned in Qur'an too which now modern historians approve with zero conflict.

Source: ... ople/arabs ... 15,00.html

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 29, 2017, 8:46 pm
by GreaTSaN
Miracle #2: Shape of The Earth
This is the most frequently asked question by non-Muslims that does Qur'an mentions that the shape of Earth is spherical or not flat. Many people due to less knowledge of the language in which Qur'an was revealed (Arabic), they consider that Qur'an writes the same thinking of old generation that Earth is flat which is clearly not true when we read the verses. The shape of the earth was proved by Sir Francis Drake in 1597. The Qur'an mentions in Chapter 31:29,
Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night
This merging phenomenon can only take place if the shape of the earth is spherical and not flat. If it was flat, the night and day would have changed suddenly rather than slowly and gradually.

Not only this verse but in another verse Almighty mentions in Chapter 39:5, as follows:
He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term.
Here in this verse God clearly mentions the word "wrap" which in Arabic is "Kawwara" which in Arabic clearly means to wrap something around a spherical object. It is not rocket science to understand such a simple word when you at least try to read the verses clearly with meanings and by doing own research.

These two verses above clearly tells us that Earth, which we live in, is not flat (as old people thought it is) but spherical.

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 12:53 pm
by GreaTSaN
Miracle #3: The Bees
The worker bees those who make the honey are in fact all females. The male bees does not make honey. This thing which we now know is discovered with the help of modern science and technology and to say that a man from the deserts of Arabia could guess something like this is irrational. The Qur'an talks about the Bees in the following verse of Chapter 16:68
And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat (Kuli) from all the fruits and follow (Usluki) the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies (Butuniha) a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.

The words which I've underlined with an Arabic word in bracket are points to be noted. In Arabic grammar, the usage of certain words depends on the gender. Below is the usages of certain words in the verses according to gender.
The word "eat" in the verse in Arabic is "Kuli" which is used for females instead of "Kul" which is used for males.
The word "follow" in the verse in Arabic is "Usluki" which is used for females instead of the word "Usluk" which is used for males.
The word "their bellies" in the verse in Arabic is "Butuniha" which is used for females instead of "butunihim" which is used for males.

By reading the verse, we can clearly understand that Qur'an is talking about female honey bees and not male in the verse which is yet another miracle since at that time it was not possible to know that worker honey bees are actually females.

Not only that but recently we discovered that Bees build hives in solid rocks too as it's mentioned in the above verse. Whatever I've wrote above is confirmed by Arabic speakers and if you've any doubt about my words then you can confirm it yourself by any Arabic speaker doesn't matter if they're Muslim or not. As long as they know basic Arabic, it is fine.


Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 1:56 pm
by [Lsrcr]Oggy
If you look at the verses alone without knowing the science behind it, they don't make any sense and they don't explain anything. It's just a matter of the interpretation of the reader. It's pretty clear that these verses are twisted and turned and translated differently to suit different situations at times.

I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to discuss in this topic. Forgive me if this is not the kind of posts you wanted.

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 2:07 pm
by GreaTSaN
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
If you look at the verses alone without knowing the science behind it, they don't make any sense and they don't explain anything. It's just a matter of the interpretation of the reader. It's pretty clear that these verses are twisted and turned and translated differently to suit different situations at times.

I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to discuss in this topic. Forgive me if this is not the kind of posts you wanted.

As I mentioned earlier in the topic that Qur'an is the book of Signs and not the book of Science. If we say that this or that book is a word of God then it must past the test of time to prove it for the whole of mankind and for next generations. The words and translations of Qur'an aren't twisted in anyway. I'm picking up verses with literal meanings in Arabic for you. If you think the translations are twisted as to what it meant in Arabic then bring your proof if you're truthful. As modern science is coming up with new researches and when we compare the knowledge of science with Qur'an we get accurate results. If we were to get anything which is not accurate then it clearly would prove that it is not a word of God. You've to first understand what religion is before you even talk about its book. The above things which I mentioned in clear and literal meanings of Quran are accurately matching with what modern science says but its up to you to believe or disbelieve. You asked in the other topics about "so-called miracles" and here I just gave you some of the top miracles.

And yeah it's not up to me to bring you to right path, it's up to you to choose what is right and what is not. First you said that there's no miracle and when I just showed you then you simply denied and said these are twisted which is clearly not true and without proofs. Funny isn't it?

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 2:21 pm
by [Lsrcr]Oggy
GreaTSaN wrote :
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
If you look at the verses alone without knowing the science behind it, they don't make any sense and they don't explain anything. It's just a matter of the interpretation of the reader. It's pretty clear that these verses are twisted and turned and translated differently to suit different situations at times.

I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to discuss in this topic. Forgive me if this is not the kind of posts you wanted.

As I mentioned earlier in the topic that Qur'an is the book of Signs and not the book of Science. If we say that this or that book is a word of God then it must past the test of time to prove it for the whole of mankind and for next generations. The words and translations of Qur'an aren't twisted in anyway. I'm picking up verses with literal meanings in Arabic for you. If you think the translations are twisted as to what it meant in Arabic then bring your proof if you're truthful. As modern science is coming up with new researches and when we compare the knowledge of science with Qur'an we get accurate results. If we were to get anything which is not accurate then it clearly would prove that it is not a word of God. You've to first understand what religion is before you even talk about its book. The above things which I mentioned in clear and literal meanings of Quran are accurately matching with what modern science says but its up to you to believe or disbelieve. You asked in the other topics about "so-called miracles" and here I just gave you some of the top miracles.

And yeah it's not up to me to bring you to right path, it's up to you to choose what is right and what is not. First you said that there's no miracle and when I just showed you then you simply denied and said these are twisted which is clearly not true and without proofs. Funny isn't it?

I guess you have to be Arabic to understand Quran, right? Even though you claim Quran as the perfect book, it can't be translated into a simple language. Such a pity. I don't see any miracles in the verses you mentioned, just words twisted and turned and translated accordingly.

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 2:34 pm
by GreaTSaN
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
GreaTSaN wrote :
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
If you look at the verses alone without knowing the science behind it, they don't make any sense and they don't explain anything. It's just a matter of the interpretation of the reader. It's pretty clear that these verses are twisted and turned and translated differently to suit different situations at times.

I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to discuss in this topic. Forgive me if this is not the kind of posts you wanted.

As I mentioned earlier in the topic that Qur'an is the book of Signs and not the book of Science. If we say that this or that book is a word of God then it must past the test of time to prove it for the whole of mankind and for next generations. The words and translations of Qur'an aren't twisted in anyway. I'm picking up verses with literal meanings in Arabic for you. If you think the translations are twisted as to what it meant in Arabic then bring your proof if you're truthful. As modern science is coming up with new researches and when we compare the knowledge of science with Qur'an we get accurate results. If we were to get anything which is not accurate then it clearly would prove that it is not a word of God. You've to first understand what religion is before you even talk about its book. The above things which I mentioned in clear and literal meanings of Quran are accurately matching with what modern science says but its up to you to believe or disbelieve. You asked in the other topics about "so-called miracles" and here I just gave you some of the top miracles.

And yeah it's not up to me to bring you to right path, it's up to you to choose what is right and what is not. First you said that there's no miracle and when I just showed you then you simply denied and said these are twisted which is clearly not true and without proofs. Funny isn't it?

I guess you have to be Arabic to understand Quran, right? Even though you claim Quran as the perfect book, it can't be translated into a simple language. Such a pity. I don't see any miracles in the verses you mentioned, just words twisted and turned and translated accordingly.

Not twisted rather you don't want to believe. Qur'an is indeed the perfect book if you read with open mind and sincere heart. It is translated perfectly fine into many languages but the original language is always original. You can find scientific and historical miracles in many different translations but if you want a clear understanding of a book then read it in what it was revealed. You keep saying twisted but you're not bringing your proofs to justify your own statement. If I were to say that something from science is wrong then I'd bring my proofs unlike you just saying 'oh yeah it's wrong so it's wrong'. I don't know which word is even twisted. You don't see miracles or rather you don't believe. Once again it proves your knowledge of understanding. You just want to believe what pleases you since if you believe what I just mentioned then how would you justify your statement of "so-called miracles", I see what you want lol. If you were to say that this or this thing is wrong then you've to first read yourself on what it says rather than believing of what other say but when it comes to religion you don't want to do that because in your opinion science is everything. Either you believe or not believe, it's up to you. I'd keep sharing miracles with literal meanings and explanation and those with intellect would think and read rather than twisting things themselves.

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 2:42 pm
by [Lsrcr]Oggy
GreaTSaN wrote :
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
GreaTSaN wrote :
As I mentioned earlier in the topic that Qur'an is the book of Signs and not the book of Science. If we say that this or that book is a word of God then it must past the test of time to prove it for the whole of mankind and for next generations. The words and translations of Qur'an aren't twisted in anyway. I'm picking up verses with literal meanings in Arabic for you. If you think the translations are twisted as to what it meant in Arabic then bring your proof if you're truthful. As modern science is coming up with new researches and when we compare the knowledge of science with Qur'an we get accurate results. If we were to get anything which is not accurate then it clearly would prove that it is not a word of God. You've to first understand what religion is before you even talk about its book. The above things which I mentioned in clear and literal meanings of Quran are accurately matching with what modern science says but its up to you to believe or disbelieve. You asked in the other topics about "so-called miracles" and here I just gave you some of the top miracles.

And yeah it's not up to me to bring you to right path, it's up to you to choose what is right and what is not. First you said that there's no miracle and when I just showed you then you simply denied and said these are twisted which is clearly not true and without proofs. Funny isn't it?

I guess you have to be Arabic to understand Quran, right? Even though you claim Quran as the perfect book, it can't be translated into a simple language. Such a pity. I don't see any miracles in the verses you mentioned, just words twisted and turned and translated accordingly.

You keep saying twisted but you're not bringing your proofs to justify your own statement. If I were to say that something from science is wrong then I'd bring my proofs unlike you just saying 'oh yeah it's wrong so it's wrong'.

Your proofs for saying that evolution is wrong in the "God's existence" topic? and big bang?

Re: Qur'an and Science

Posted: October 30, 2017, 2:49 pm
by GreaTSaN
[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
Your proofs for saying that evolution is wrong in the "God's existence" topic? and big bang?
Is evolution a fact yet? Is evolution answer to all things? It's better not to consider a theory as a fact since it would remain a theory unless completely confirmed. There are many things which evolution can't answer and Jaker already asked you one thing on "God's existence" topic which you haven't reply. If you go back on replies of that topic, you'd see many questions which either you are not willing to reply or you don't have the answer to reply.

[Lsrcr]Oggy wrote :
and big bang?

Once again, my question, which translations are twisted as you said? Reply this if you're truthful.