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S.A.S.F Application : Shahan [ACCEPTED]

Posted: September 2, 2019, 3:54 pm
by Shahan

• Out of Character Part:
IG name: Shahan
Score: 5 300+
Proof of stats:
Country and Timezone: Pakistan GMT+5
Do you have a previous roleplay experience as a cop?: Yes
Reason: Hello! At first i want to congratulate this group for being opened once again. My name is Shahan and i want to become a member of this amazing group. I was a member of this group back days. It was nice to be a member of this group i mostly play as LEO. So i'll definitly help you guys.

• In Character Part:
Roleplay name: Kyle Edward
Gender: Male
Date and Place of birth: 12/4/2000 Ganton, LOS SANTOS
Biography: Hello! This is Kyle, I am looking for a job like police officer. I'll be loyal for this job and serve my best for this job.

"S.A.S.F. 4 Life"

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 4, 2019, 11:29 am
by Grand

Hello Shahan, thank you for applying to this LSPD Special Force. But before we Accept or Deny you, you'll be tested in few parts in-game. This test will consist of your knowledge about the Knowledge of the S.A.S.F Rules/Rp/Driving/Flying/Shooting. If you fail to score less than 4/5 in the rules part, your application will be automatically denied. You must also score more than 3 overall, in order to proceed with your application.

You may get tested by the following Recruiters
★ [Lsrcr]Moral[Trial]
★ Hunain[Trial]

How ever if you feel you need the Leader/Co-Leader to test you,you may contact the following Leaders/Co-Leader
Andro_Pineda [Assistant Head Instructor]
★ [Lsrcr]Akeel [Assistant Head Instructor]
★ Wanted [Head Instructor]

Once again, thank you for applying to the San Andreas Special Force

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 7, 2019, 10:43 am
by Hunain0

Applicant Name:Shahan
Tester's Name:Hunain

Note(s):Applicant did only 1 mistake in rules part.

Note(s):Applicant complete my route with 430

Flying - 3.2/5
Note(s): In Dodo : Applicant didnt did good in dodo he failed both times because of his bad ping i know he can do better
In Helicopter : He pass bm tunnel in 28 second.

Shooting - 3/5
Note(s):In m4 Part: He Had 2 attemps
1st Attemp :1 tire with big car damage
2nd Attemp :3 tire with normal car damage
In Duel Part : He killed Me ANd second time I killed him with full hp and half armor

Roleplay - 3/5
Note(s): Roleplay task can't be mentioned here.

Overall - 3.5/5

Tester's Opinion:HE have good attitude
He Got lag and his ping was bad i know he is skilled and experienced player
so positive from my side
Good luck

Thank you once again for applying for San Andreas Special Force
Good luck with your application.

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 7, 2019, 12:47 pm
by AK33L
Good guy
Good attitude
Active as leo

Good luck

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 8, 2019, 6:37 am
by Uzzwal.
Good attitude
Active as Leo.

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 8, 2019, 10:10 am
by Grand
Good guy
Fine test

Re: S.A.S.F Application : Shahan

Posted: September 8, 2019, 3:44 pm
by AK33L

Nice attitude
Good amount of positive vote
Active as leo

Get your rights in game from any of the commanders/leaders.[

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