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S.A.S.F. Application: Ahmedslama120 [DENIED]

Posted: April 19, 2020, 10:12 am
by JustCat

• Out of Character Part:
IG name: ahmedslama120
Score: 10 909
Proof of stats:
Country and Timezone: EGYPT GMT2+
Do you have a previous roleplay experience as a cop?: Yeah
Reason: hello everyone im here today i want join area51 because this base good and i love this members teaming up with members need be member in area51 my freinds in the group I Love teaming in the group In a helicopter in Slutan and more the cars group, but I'm so glad because and s.a.s.f. now had an agreement already, drakshadow need chance for join the group i'm now red To reloplay Thanks for reading

• In Character Part:
Roleplay name: ahmed mohamed
Gender: male
Date and Place of birth: 3rd January 2002, El Corona
Greetings Officers ahmed mohamed year 18 old live in Los Santos, Commerce My dad was working as a Officer, in Los Santos Police Department, My dad got killed the homeland by spreading justice among the city and clean it from the dirty criminals by and my mother is an doctor. I Was has made public service a priority in My life, ranging from police officer in los santos
"S.A.S.F. 4 Life"

Re: S.A.S.F. Application: ahmedslama120

Posted: April 19, 2020, 3:03 pm
by AK33L
Blacklisted for 1 month for asking for rights.