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Introduction: [Lsrcr]Fatal

Posted: August 26, 2020, 1:06 pm
by Fatal
Hey everyone. For those who haven't had the opportunity to meet me yet, hey there! I'm Fatal. I hope we can get together in-game sometime and link up. I wanted to give an introduction to who I am and why I decided to stay consistently in-touch with the community and people from the community.

Who brought you here?
When I first started playing Ls-rcr back in 2011 I wasn't even aware that there was a modification for San Andreas that allowed multiplayer servers like this. It was all new to me and something I needed some help setting up since the installation method for SAMP isn't standard practice. An old great friend of mine Auto introduced me to the community and showed me the ropes. I'm always thankful for being introduced to the community because as an individual, I have grown exponentially thanks to the different people, cultures, religions, and ideologies I've been exposed to. I haven't been able to leave the community since then.

What brought you here?
Honestly what brought me here was the potential for fun. At the time I wasn't too knowledgeable on what features the server provided so Auto was mainly the one to fill me in. The role-playing aspects, the cops and robbers aspect, the community of people, the entertainment and fun that came with it, meeting new people/friends to talk to and play with, etcetera. I was much younger at the time so a lot less wiser, but reflecting on it now it was definitely the idea of meeting so many different people and having fun that interested me the most.

When did you join?
I joined the server around November of 2011. It wasn't until early 2012 that I visited the forums and made my own forum account. There's been an incredible amount of change since the time I started playing to now. Some of those elements are game play changes, rule changes, staff changes, policy updates, on and on. The dynamic of the game has even shifted and you can sense the play style difference when you-re in-game too. I enjoy the difference in the community today from 9 years ago. I believe as a whole, Ls-rcr and it's players has aged well along with the maturity levels.

Why did you decide to continue playing here?
The differences honestly. I mean between myself and the other players of the community. The game SAMP itself brings entertainment value for me sure, but it was almost always the players that made me stay. Making friends from different cultures and religions. Listening to different languages, learning some words from these languages maybe. Developing a deeper understanding of the different cultures, religions, political climates. Further developing myself personally and professionally by understanding how these cultures and religions work beyond a basic level of understanding. It's given me the opportunity to be more forward thinking with what I say and feel which is incredibly beneficial in making bridges with new people. I'm very charismatic and enjoy talking to people, so you'll always catch me on Discord chatting up anyone who's willing to come and have a conversation.

Where can I contact you?
If you wish to shoot me a message on Discord, my tag is Fatal#4979. If you want to add me on steam or message me on steam, my profile link is: Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll catch you in-game!