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Terrorists Application: Carolj

Posted: November 27, 2018, 8:06 pm
by barban

Terrorists Application


In-Game Name: Carolj
Score: 2165
Previous Group: Terrorist,Devils,Mountain Bike Riders,Absynith crew
Activity: 411h 20min
Joined: 511 days ago
Proof of Status:
Time Zone & Country: UTC/GMT-04:00 Saint Lucia
Reason: Hey guys warm welcome to the Staff an members at Terrorist am here to rejoin/reapply again since last time i was removed due to the fact that i was banned an got i really want to join Terrorist back once again bcause.... its the best group ever. they have so many well known players there I love To Kill Cops,rob banks,stores etc its in the perfect location an also has the best vehicles like the helicopter. I love to do team cop hunt, I'm Active As always active as a Criminal. I Respect Everyone, Doesn't matter who. i help if i have to also if i can i am ready to prove that i can join terrorist an be a member of the group to make it proud and whilst am a member of the best group ever. Thanks for reading hope to be accepted Once again.


Re: Terrorists Application: Carolj

Posted: November 27, 2018, 10:22 pm
by Cena
Hello, Carolj - Thank you for submitting an application to Terrorists

Before we can Accept/Deny you, you'll be tested in some parts in-game. The test will contain your knowledge about Group Rules/ Driving/ Shooting and Task assessment. If you score less than 4/5 in the rules part, your application will be automatically denied. You must also score more than 3 overall, in order to continue with your application. Once you've applied, you can PM a member of the recruitment team if he can take a test but spamming and annoying will lead to the denial of the application.

You can be tested by any of the following Recruiters.
- [Lsrcr]Cena
- [Lsrcr]Marko
- Mr.Killer008

You can also get tested by the head tester:
- MZA1D.

Note: If you failed to explain the code words properly then, your test won't be proceeded and you will be denied.

Re: Terrorists Application: Carolj

Posted: December 31, 2018, 11:30 am
by VenoM

You have been Accepted by Mr.DollarMan. PM any of the Staff member for your in-game rights. Be active in-game and on forum. Welcome back!