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This thing belonging to the police

Posted: March 27, 2020, 2:23 pm
by ImOver
Your name: ImOver
Suggestion headline: The inability of the police to arrest a player while it was not him who made the cuff him
Picture: No picture
Importance of suggestion: 6/10
Why should it be accepted: Because which is when one of the policemen makes a cuff a yellow or a red player, the other policemen will rush to arrest him so that means my tiredness that I am tired will not help me with anything but it comes policemen and he just type /ar [id]. So please amend this matter When he wants to arrest him and it is not him who did the cuff, this writing will appear to him in the MainChat: This player is cuffed by an anthor cop. You can't arrest him. With my best respects and regards.

Re: This thing belonging to the police

Posted: March 27, 2020, 2:51 pm
by getrektdude
So i assume that you're trying to say that,
If, a cop cuffs someone, another cop should not be able to arrest that suspect.

Well, as a cop you work as a team against criminals, it's not really troublesome when someone arrests the suspect which was cuffed by you, unless they do it constantly in order to provoke you or annoy you intentionally which is reportable in most cases.

It's not a major problem when someone allegedly steals your suspect, so it's just fine the way it is as of now.


Re: This thing belonging to the police

Posted: March 27, 2020, 11:56 pm
by Mastro
getrektdude wrote :
So i assume that you're trying to say that,
If, a cop cuffs someone, another cop should not be able to arrest that suspect.

Well, as a cop you work as a team against criminals, it's not really troublesome when someone arrests the suspect which was cuffed by you, unless they do it constantly in order to provoke you or annoy you intentionally which is reportable in most cases.

It's not a major problem when someone allegedly steals your suspect, so it's just fine the way it is as of now.

I think what Getrektdude said covers it all. You are supposed to work as a team. If someone 'steals' your suspect then let it be, in the end you all have the same goal.

If however someone is doing it constantly and intentionally then it can be considered community annoyance. In that case please do report them immediately.

Thank you!