S.W.A.T. Member Of The Month

The section dedicated to useful information about the team.

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by S.W.A.T. » September 1, 2015, 3:48 pm



The purpose of the SWAT member of the Month Program is to recognize members who have served in an exceptional manner by exemplifying outstanding service through his work and exhibiting a positive and supportive attitude.

A. Attitude:

As first, do not insult & provoke people. Whenever you got insulted or someone is provoking just try to ignore and keep playing. If you fire back, some players might tell you "Calm down", but don't let yourself to it happen. Just try to ignore those people who are insulting you. Try to give a welcome warm to someone, don't be quite always, feel free to talk with someone and be friendly.

Whenever SWAT team is playing together, most of the time we talk about different things, but of course, we are doing our job too. However, don't be quite and feel free to ask something & create a topic to start talking about it.
Person with a good attitude: viewtopic.php?f=111&t=56263

Energ: wrote :
It's not a bad thing to disagree but we often take things other people say the wrong way. I found this on a website and thought it might be helpful to post it here.

1.Don't make it personal. If you get upset, it can help to remember you're mad at the idea or concept the player (or friend, coach, coworker, etc.) is raising, not the person.

2. Avoid putting down the other person's ideas and beliefs. If you've ever been on the receiving end of someone's tirade or put-downs, you know how valuable using respectful language and behavior can be. So instead of saying what you might be thinking ("That's a stupid idea!"), try: "I don't agree, and here's why." Resist the temptation to yell, use sarcasm, or make derogatory comments and you'll have a much better chance of getting your point across.

3. Use "I" statements to communicate how you feel, what you think, and what you want or need. Using "you" statements can sound argumentative.

4. State the topic on which you disagree and explain your position in an articulate and reserved manner. Even if the matter you can't agree on is one that you're passionate about, avoid showing emotions. Refrain from using inflammatory or accusatory language. Whenever possible or appropriate, provide solutions to resolving the disagreement -- don't just complain for the sake of complaining. For example, if you disagree with your boss about a work process, explain what you think is wrong with the process he's developed. Then offer suggestions for improving the process, and provide concrete and rational reasons why you think your method may be better.

5. Listen to the other point of view. Being a good listener is a way of showing that you respect and understand the other person's perspective. That makes it more likely he or she will do the same for you. When the other person is talking, try to stop yourself from thinking about why you disagree or what you'll say next. Instead, focus on what's being said. When it's your turn to talk, repeat any key points the other person made to show you listened and heard what was said. Then calmly present your case and why you disagree.

6. Stay calm. This is the most important thing you can do to keep a conversation on track. Of course, it's a huge challenge to stay calm and rational when you feel angry or passionate about something — especially if the person you're talking to gets heated. You may need to be the mature one who manages the conversation, even if the other person is someone who should know better.

B. In-game activity:

Well, probably, in-game activity is the most important thing. You can't be SMOTM if you are not active in-game. As first, it's because you can't even show your attitude. Maybe you can show it on forum, but I will tell something about it later. As it's already said, the purpose of being Swat Member of the Month is to recognize the member who was working hard with a positive/good attitude.

A lot of members were SMOTM, and probably they know the reason why they have been selected for being SMOTM. As you are more active, you can show yourself better. In other words, you can show everything about yourself. You can show your skills, don't be sleepy while you are on your job, use commands as fast as you can to stop the suspect and catch him. To jail him and make your job successfully done. That's about the skills, try to show them to the members, they might promote your work since they will see that your skills are good enough. Next is to show your attitude. Ask people how they're doing, be mature, talk with everyone, don't rage and all other dirty things. You have to be active on server, but you must also be active in SWAT skin. You can't even get promoted if you are active on server, but not active in skin. This is all about in-game activity.

C. Forum activity:

Forum activity is something like in-game activity, but there are few things that are different. As for the Forum activity, applications are the most important for it. You must also vote on applications, so commander can know something about applicant. He needs opinions from members too, not just from himself. He must know whom will he allow to be in our team and whom he won't allow to. If you are inactive at applications, don't expect being a SMOTM too, because they are also a part of the important things.

As more you'll be active on forum, you will see applications faster and this can potentially help you being noticed as an engaged member within swat's forum activity. There are few topics in "Discussion" place where you can talk everything about SWAT team. Post some SWAT pictures in-game made or post your SWAT score day by day. Members will see that you are active in-game and active on forum by replying there.

If your SWAT score is 1570 and you post it there on the topic about SWAT score, and if you have 1670 next day, reply again and members will see that you made 100 SWAT score within 24 hours. It all will mean that you are active in-game and on forum. Also, if you've caught someone that copied reason from another applicant, just post it there and SWAT Staff team will handle it by seeing your reply. Maybe you get a reward, probably no, but, be sure that they will keep it on eye and maybe not forget you've helped them to caught this applicant who cheated and tried to fool us by copying reason from another applicant.

E. Helpful:

Helpful is also one of the important things as I already have said. If someone asks for the help and he really needs it, don't stay quite and answer him, help him. If someone asked how to exit house, it doesn't take you so long to answer him, maybe 2 seconds the most.

It counts for all other questions that someone will ask. Just try to help him as soon as possible, try to be the first one since we are SWAT and we usually use commands, so this can be something like that. If someone keep asking and not getting answer, then answer him for real if you know the answer. Same counts for SWAT team, if there are 8 SWAT members, usually they split up then. And if some team needs help, if they ask, try to reply as soon as possible and go help this another team. Members in another team will see your skills and they will be glad to see someone responding to their backup very fast.

Created by [Lsrcr]Lumix
Approved by SWAT Commander [Lsrcr]CresP
Edited by SWAT Commander [Lsrcr]Veen to remain up to date.

S.W.A.T. Commander Team

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