Pagati Interest Statement "iLoveYou_x3"

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Post by iLoveYou_x3 » July 24, 2015, 9:23 am
In-Game Name:

Roleplay Name:
Yanai Zrihan


Proof of Hitman rank:

Roleplay age:

Roleplay location:

Why do you want to join the Pagati family?:

First of all, hello I want to join La Famiglia Assassini Pagati because I want to take revenge on those who killed his wife for no reason !!!! My name Yanai Zrihan and I am 29 I want to show you my abilities and I was worthy enough to be accepted to La Famiglia Assassini Pagati be named after my story you will understand thank everyone for their time to read my story.

Well that's how it begins one day my wife and I go to the bank and we wanted to spend money to buy a house for us we would just come after the wedding and I'm the most loving couple you will see then the bank did Robbery My wife and I did not know what to do and tried to escape from the bank to not call us anything we started to run outside and just exit door with the hit came with a bullet and then I did not think of times and I just drove her to the hospital and then we were at the hospital I saw it lifeless and did not know what to do I got her to the hospital and asked do you revived tried for several hours to make her life but that did not help it Not back to life and then I wanted to take her to only a few hours to say goodbye to her and then she came back to life do not know how it happened and that's Be miracle Then she told me we have to run away and then my wife and I know they will look for us and just wanted to leave the house, they killed her and hit me in the stomach is not I realized what had happened at that moment I was paralyzed on the floor and then I vowed that whoever did this and killed my wife and hit me in the stomach to die and I want to join La Famiglia Assassini Pagati that I ask them to help me kill anyone who did this to me and my wife that I will not leave it until everyone will die with it will lead to death of self and I do not want this to happen to another family what happened to me and my wife, our family will fall apart her parents did not know what to do with her mother was ill and that only made her more ill and is now in hospital after one month experimental therapy I hope it will pass and they will continue their life but my life stopped there and they did not move until I kill them all !!!


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Post by Ak4ent » July 28, 2015, 5:34 pm
Re-Apply after 2 weeks
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