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by Terror_IND » June 28, 2019, 3:32 am
Training officers - About

Training officers are those players who are selectively chosen to test the applicants who have applied for the group in the forums.

A training officer needs to validate the application, before going for a test. This includes checking the required score, proof of score, format of the application etc.

A TO must never accept bribers to do favors. If caught, both the applicant and the TO will be permanently blacklisted. However, a TO may blacklist a applicant who offer bribes to the officer.

A training officer must accept the offer made by the applicant to test the user, unless he the training officer finds any valid reasons to avoid/postpone the test.

During a test, Training officers must be unbiased and should keep away his/her personal opinions about the applicant and conduct the test in a fair manner.


During a test, five main sections are mandatory, they are Rules, Driving, Shooting, Flying and the Overall. The number of attempts on each section is decided by the TO (Except Rules), and the maximum attempt limit is three. No TO can give a applicant a fourth attempt.

Rules: Applicant must be asked 10 questions on server rules and the group rules. The applicant must give at-least 8 correct answers, or else, his application is auto-denied.

Driving: In driving part, the speed (Closeness to the tester), Stunts (Ramps and stairs) and car hp must be taken into the account to be evaluated. Each TO can have his route on his/her own.

Shooting: Two parts under shooting are mandatory, they are sawn off and M4. However, a tester may include other weapons like deagle, sniper depending on his interest. In a sawn off duel, A training officer must not look to win the applicant, rather the applicants Aiming, Switching and running styles must be evaluated. In m4, the applicant must be requested to pop the car wheels, without damaging the car and evaluate his accuracy and precision.

Flying: In flying part, Maverick and Dodo is mandatory. Each TO can have his route on his/her own. The speed and health are main criteria to be evaluated in this part.

Overall: Overall Is simply a average of all the other sections. A overall of 1-2.99 can be indicated in red color, 3.0 to 3.99 can be indicated in a yellowish orange color and a overall of 4 and above can be represented in green colour.


Application approval:
Spoiler: show
Code: Select all

Thank you for applying to join the elite criminal organisation, Saints.

Please get tested by one of the following [b]training officers[/b];

[Lsrcr]Ackman ([color=#FF0000]Head TO[/color])
Eternity ([color=#FF0000]Head TO[/color])
Andro Pineda

Alternatively, you can request a test from one of the following [b][color=#8000BF]Saints leaders[/color][/b];


We look forward to reviewing your test results for the subsequent stage of the application process

Testers format: (A TO may have his/her own format)
Spoiler: show
Code: Select all
 [size=85][center][b](Applicant Name)[/b]'s Test results

 [b]Rules[/b]: [Score]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comments]
 [b]Driving[/b]: [Score]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comments]
 [b]Flying[/b]: [Average Score of Maverick and Dodo]/5
 [b]Maverick [/b]:[Score]/5      [b]Dodo[/b]:[Score]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comments on dodo and Maverick]
 [b]Shooting[/b]:[Average Score of Sawnoff and M4]/5
[b] Sawn-off[/b]: [Average Score of Aiming, switching and running styles]/5
 [b]Switching[/b]: [Score]/5     [b]Aiming[/b]: [Score]/5     [b]Running Style[/b]: [Score]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comments on sawn off]
[b] M4[/b]:[Score]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comments on M4][/center][/size]
 [size=85][b]Overall[/b]: [Average of Rules, Driving Shooting and Flying]/5
 [b]Notes[/b]: [Comment on your experience through the test and applicants attitude]
 Thank you once again for choosing Saints. Good luck!
[b][color=#BF00BF] [Your Name][/color][/b][/size]

Any recommendation on changes are most welcome. Thanks

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
-A.P.J Abdul kalam
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