⊱ Roleplay Knowledge / Terms ⊰

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by NCS » November 15, 2015, 5:55 pm

RP - Roleplay

developing and acting with a fictional character created by the player playing the character. The morals, background, biography, values etc. are defined by the player who develops the character. Normally roleplay also involves following a set of rules to keep the roleplay as realistic as possible, but without ruining the entertainment value from it.

Making a character named James Williams, developing a biography and background story for the character, all of his physical details etc., then roleplaying according to his personality.

IC - In Character, everything related to the world where characters developed by players are being roleplayed, having a conversation or other actions that are not related to the actual humans playing the characters, but instead the characters themselves.

OOC - Out Of Character, You use OOC for anything which is out of character. Which would be smileys, short terms like wtf, lol, omg, rofl etc.
Anything that is Out of your character. When you talk in OOC you use /b.

/b Hey, lol... how's your weather irl?

PG - Powergaming, People who Powergame usually RolePlay's things which may be impossible to do, leaving the other player no chance to fight back. Powergaming people usually focus most on his own character.
Here's just a little example of someone Powergaming, let's say the Powergamer's name will be... Kyle_Smith.

Kyle Smith : Hey, come in my car, let's go to my crib! You'll get some cash.
Jack_Shang : Uhm, okay... I'll come with you in one condition...
Kyle Smith : No, get in!

Kyle Smith grabs Jack and throws him into car.
Kyle Smith ties him.

MG - Metagaming, When you look above someone's name without knowing it in a RolePlaying way. It's when you just look above their head to see his/her name. And says it out like "Hello Jack Shang! How are you?" Without knowing that person, that is Metagaming.

RK - Revange Killing, Once got killed, you lose all the memory of the last few minutes before you died. which means when you spawn again, you don't know that you died, you don't know who killed you, so returning after death to the character that killed you is not allowed.

CP - Car Parking, it's when you ram someone who's walking and make him lose health points. Not allowed. If you want to ram someone you must write it on /w *yourtext* or /me, before you ram him so it will be roleplay.
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