S.W.A.T. || Rules

If you need to know anything about the team, you'll find the answer in here.

Moderator: S.W.A.T. Commanders

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Joined: September 13, 2013, 1:33 am

by S.W.A.T. » September 19, 2013, 7:53 pm

IntroductionThese Rules are obligatory to the service user during the entire period of use of S.W.A.T.
S.W.A.T. commander has a right to terminate any user’s membership at any time, with or without prior notification, due to any reason and it shall not be liable for any damage incurred/or that might incur or for any other consequences which can arise due to the performance of the acts indicated in this clause.

S.W.A.T. In-game rulesRule #1
Do not drag:
  • Into a one seated vehicle ( Bandito, BMX bike, Mountain Bike, Kart, Boats, Some planes, etc... ).
  • If wanted suspect (ORANGE or RED) while he is AFK (Away from keyboard).
  • If all of your vehicle's passenger seats are occupied.
  • If wanted suspect (ORANGE or RED) while vehicle is in red checkpoint.
  • If the vehicle you drag into isn't near you (2/3 radar).
Additional note when you use /drag command:
  • Shows error message if you haven't entered any vehicle before dragging.
  • Shows error message if it's a one-seated vehicle.
  • Shows error message if no seat is available for dragging.
  • Shows error message if the suspects has been afk for a considerable amount of time.
  • Shows error message if attempted to drag and the vehicle is beyond 2/3 radar radius outside of any interior. Make sure the vehicle is within 2/3 radius from the interior entrance whilst inside.

Rule #2
After dragging a suspect, take him directly to closest red checkpoint (LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, Dillimore Police Station, Angel Pine Sheriff's Station or El Quebrados Sheriff's Station). try to not hunt other criminals while you've already dragged one.

Rule explanation: If you've a dragged a suspect and another criminal in your way or nearby but dragging him will take a lot of time then DO NOT go after him.

Notes when you may drag another suspect to the vehicle:
  • One SWAT member may drag only One suspect at same time.
  • Two SWAT members may drag only Two suspects at same time.
  • Three SWAT members may drag only Two suspects at same time.
  • Four or more SWAT members may drag Three suspects at same time.
  • If suspects are at the following areas (Pershing Square, Commerce, Conference Center, Roca Escalante, The Emerald Eye, San Ferrio Downtown and Dillimore) then you may drag THREE suspects at same time regardless if you're alone or having more members.

Rule #3
Usage of RoadBlock
  • You may place the roadblock where ever you want only against medium and high wanted suspects (orange, red). You may never block innocents or other enforcers with it (white, blue, purple... - all colors except orange and red) If a civilian or law enforcer is blocked you must remove the roadblock right away, Abusing the roadblock to block innocent players in a vehicle on purpose will lead to a severe punishment.

  • You may use roadblock against innocent civilians teaming with medium and highly wanted suspects (orange and red) if and only if any of the following conditions are satisfied:
    1. If the wanted suspect is a passenger of a vehicle used by an innocent civilian.
    2. If the wanted suspect is on the roof of a vehicle used by an innocent civilian.

  • You may use ONE roadblock to access a higher ground, The roadblock cannot be placed on another roadblock, it can only be spawned from the standing ground of a member who is deploying it, or on top of a vehicle, (If the vehicle is moved, or respawns, you have to /drb, as you may no longer use the roadblock), Placing the roadblock on top of another roadblock or floating in the air is not allowed.

Rule #4
Do not hang around in the S.W.A.T. skin, use it for serious roleplay. Also, you may not join events in S.W.A.T. skin unless it is S.W.A.T. related events.

Rule #5
You must team with at least one S.W.A.T. member, unless you are the only S.W.A.T. member in the skin.
  • The highest ranked online swat member manages the rest of members.
  • We recommend to split in groups when the online swat members count exceeds 5 members.
  • All members should look for instructions given by the highest ranked online swat member within their particular group.
  • Members should stick together, this means you should favour going back to your pack as soon as possible.

Rule #6
Do not be AFK ( Away From Keyboard ) for more than 10 minutes in the S.W.A.T. skin.

Rule #7
If there are 10 players using the S.W.A.T. skin already, do not use it without permission from SWAT staff.

Rule #8
Any S.W.A.T. member caught scamming will instantly be kicked from the team.

Rule #9
Always follow the

Rule #10
You cannot boost in the S.W.A.T. skin whether it's for achievements or for the sake of S.W.A.T. score.

Rule Explanation: Don't ruin another S.W.A.T. member's experience solely because you want S.W.A.T. score or an achievement, be a team player! You can ask S.W.A.T. members to complete some challenges made by Staff team, but if other member does not agree you cannot do challenges.

Rule #11
You must not cuff a civilian inside of the S.W.A.T. or Army zone and wait for him/her to become Wanted. Also, you must not pre-cuff civilian in order to force him to purchase C4 blocks.
Rule Explanation: You must not cuff civilian before you deliver him to the checkpoint where he's forced to instantly purchase C4 blocks, however, you may deliver him there without being cuffed first. You are also allowed to give him money if he doesn't have sufficient amount of money and deliver him to the checkpoint.

Rule #12
Higher ranked members may give orders to lower ranks. Lower ranks must obey orders given to them and respect their decision.
[i]Note: Higher ranks must not abuse their rights by giving not reasonable orders. Anyone caught doing so will be punished harshly.

Rule #13
Do not abuse any kind of bugs found on some of the S.W.A.T features. Use all features only for what they are intended for.

Rule explanation: The roadblock stairs - you're not allowed to build roadblock stairs to catch suspects, use the roadblock what's intended for!

Rule #14
    DO NOT death-match in S.W.A.T. skin. Death-match counts:
  • if S.W.A.T. member punch other member and this leads to death or/and health (armor) damage;
    Exception: If member which you punch reply with the same way - Not a rule break.
  • if S.W.A.T. member use additional methods to affect death/ health or armor loss.
    Other cases.

Rule #15
You may not conduct S.W.A.T. events without presence of S.W.A.T. staff or SEO.

Rule #16
You can recommend applicant in S.A. Army applications if you're part of the SWAT staff which includes Head Warrant Officer, Captain and Commander.

Rule explanation: Once you reach the rank of Head Warrant Officer (HWO), you're able to recommend or not in S.A. Army applications, remember that voting rules still apply on the S.A. Army section.

Rule #17
As a team, you may place only 10 roadblocks (counts of all members online)

Rule explanation: Everyone online in skin as a team can place 10 roadblocks in total, (1. individual members may place 1 roadblock per member), for example, if there are 11 SWAT members online, only 10 can place their roadblock at the same time.

Rule #18
Breaking event rules 3 times will lead into 1 warning to S.W.A.T. account.

Rule explanation: If you break any of event rule which was made by S.E.O as participant you will receive a warning. After receiving 3 warnings on events you will receive a warning by your name in S.W.A.T. member list.

Rule #19
The highest rank decides when to use /smh. If there're 2 or more same ranks, they both need to agree when to use the command.

Rule #20
S.W.A.T. Members aren't allowed to use /rp when a suspect (either dragged or approached/cuffed by S.W.A.T.) attempts to use /bc command to break cuffs. When suspects attempt to break cuffs, their wanted level automatically increases, so any further /rp would be unnecessary.
Rule explanation: if the suspect tries to /bc, you aren't allowed to /rp him with the reason "attempting to break cuffs", "resisting arrest", or anything similar.

Rule #21
If the whole team agrees, you are allowed to go on a kill-only as long as everyone is alright with that.
Note: If there are 4 members online and 2 members want to drag while other 2 want to kill only, you can ask the highest rank if you could split into two teams.

Rule #22
You are not allowed at all to engage any suspect that was engaged from Army or any other LEO first (cops included), unless you have a valid permission from Army member/cop to do so.

Rule #23
You are not allowed to block The Black Market entrance with a roadblock (you mustn't place it right next to the entrance door).

Rule #24
Usage of S.W.A.T Drone

  • You may not use the S.W.A.T. Drone against innocents. (Civilians, yellow suspects or hitman (Applies as well if you have a hit)).

  • You may use the S.W.A.T Drone against suspects. (Orange, red, dark red suspects).

  • You may not use the S.W.A.T. Drone if the innocents and suspects are close to each other.

Last Updated on: March 05, 2023


S.W.A.T. Forum rulesThe S.W.A.T Forums are not to be used to make arguments public or to argue, bicker, or humiliate others openly, regardless of the circumstances. Forums are to be used for communication of various kinds about the Server or gaming in general, or just fun thoughts or ideas and to allow an open exchange of ideas, information, and fun that can be beneficial for the server and/or its players and members. Players do not log in to see fights, arguments, and angry posts. ANY such posts that are considered flaming, or are of the nature that is arguing, bickering, putting other players down publicly for the purpose of humiliation, can be deleted/removed by the Server Admins/Moderators/S.W.A.T commanders in order to maintain the calm adult atmosphere. There is a difference between friendly debates and angry posts meant to humiliate, argue, or bicker with others. Debates and good discussion is something we encourage and enjoy seeing, but we want to maintain a calm adult friendly atmosphere on the open forums, and respect towards other players, members. Any players repeatedly breaking this rules can also encounter disciplinary action from the Server Admin/Moderators/S.W.A.T commanders.

Rule #1
Vote quoting is strictly forbidden. You must give your own opinion for each applicant.

Rule #2
All replies that are useless ( don't have anything to do with application, applicant, some argument/report that is in application, etc... ) will be deleted.

Rule #3
Do not put sarcastic votes, these are unacceptable. Applications are very serious and the Commanders expect you to be also.
( I.E. - "I will give you a negative. Just kidding! I'll give you a positive." )

Rule #4
S.W.A.T. does not tolerate bullying or harassment. Offensive, inciting hatred by reference to race, sex, religion, language, political views, origin, social state or on any grounds inciting psychological or physical coercion against any people or group of people. Comments or/and votes shall be deleted without any warning.

Rule #5
Always follow the forum rules.

Rule #6
You must put a valid reason when voting on one's application. Your vote will be ignored if your reason is invalid.

Invalid reasons to vote:
  • No teaming - but you can vote positive for teaming!
  • Army material
  • Stealer (Taking/arresting/dragging suspect from other member (police or army).
  • Inactive - but you can vote negative for being active only in civilian skin!
  • If user was permanently banned and then got unbanned - you can vote negative for a temporary ban reason!
  • Unknown anything (attitude, skills, activity, ...)
  • Unskilled user before the test, if an applicant is skilled - you can vote positive for a such reason before the test!
  • Bad attitude without a solid proof (the proof can be send to any Commander if you do not want to spam his application) - you can vote negative if you dislike his attitude and there's no need for proof for that! Proof is needed only if applicant has a bad attitude!

Rule #7
Any attempt of spreading faction hate or propaganda (example: Army sucks and all army members should join Swat) is not allowed and will be severely punished. This rule applies to in-game and the forum.

Rule #8
You may vote on applications once you're an official SWAT member (Recruit).

Rule #9
You may not vote on SWAT applications while being inactive for a period of 2 months or more.

Last Updated on: January 05, 2022


S.W.A.T. PunishmentsBeing a S.W.A.T. has certain obligations to which each member must agree. Failure to do so may take certain measures.

Every time you break a rule you will receive a , after receiving three 's you'll be kicked out of the S.W.A.T. team.

[Lsrcr]Yakuza -
[Lsrcr]Yakuza - ✗ ✗
[Lsrcr]Yakuza - ✗ ✗ ✗ - Kicked

After being kicked for the second time we may blacklist you.

You must wait the given date on your past S.W.A.T. application in order to make an application for S.W.A.T..

Also, you should read S.W.A.T. FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

We reserve the right not to inform you about any changing / added S.W.A.T. rules. Note that you can lose your S.W.A.T. rights at once, depending on the offense. Also, rule break doesn't have to be in the S.W.A.T. skin only, this is because we do not want rule breakers in our team.

Add following words in your application to make sure that you read rules. Put the secret word on the bottom of your application - "Team", do not miss the second part of secret word which can be found here
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