Suggestions & Improvements Section Information

If you have a suggestion related to our server & gamemode, you can share it here.

Moderators: Suggestions helpers, Developers

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by Astrl » September 3, 2016, 2:27 am
Suggestion & Improvements section is opened again and we want to hear all your wonderful thoughts on how to improve the server or what would be nice to see in the server, or removed from the server.

We will welcome any suggestion on the server that you expect from us to accept and enforce in the next patch.

If you wish to suggest something related to server please use the following template:
Code: Select all
Your name: 
Suggestion headline: Add/remove this or that
Picture: Keep the picture in this [spoiler][/spoiler]
Importance of suggestion: 1/10 (Shows how much it would mean to server/players)
Why should it be accepted: Type how much you want here to explain your thought

I'll write down the example how it should look.
Code: Select all
Your name: [Lsrcr]FreeStyle
Suggestion headline: Add Fire Extinguisher to 24/7
Picture: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
Importance of suggestion: 5
Why should it be accepted: It should be accepted because players would like to roleplay as a firemen etc.

Note: Suggestions that doesn't follow current template will not be reviewed and will be locked.

Only post following suggestions:
* That cannot be abused
* That is possible to add
* That doesn't give any unfair advantage to certain player

We welcome other players to express their opinion on how much it would contribute to the server and if you would like to
see it added or not. Also any disrespectful comment will result in punishment decided by admin reviewing the suggestion.
We ask you to keep it nice and to respect other people thoughts and don't go full rage on someone that disagrees.

Respect & be respected.

If theirs any suggestion that you don't know whether to post or not, contact any staff team for their help.

Thank you for reading.

*Credit: [Lsrcr]Freestyle*


Please add 'Poll' to your suggestions as it really helps us. It will actually avoid unnecessary posts on the suggestions topics where some people just write '+1' or '-1' which isn't allowed and can lead to a board warning. We don't want unnecessary posts at suggestions topics due to this, We miss actual votes where some ideas are explained well by the player and aren't taken into consideration then. (Just because we miss it due to unnecessary posts, We just can't go through every post) so please co-operate and add 'Poll' to your suggestions topic and avoid posting one word votes.

When voting please refer to this:

Gorm wrote :
Hello guys,

I've been reading through several suggestion topics recently, and I've seen a lot of replies saying either "Positive", "Negative" or "Neutral", just like in SWAT/ARMY applications. While it's appreciated that you guys take part in these discussions, I would like to kindly ask you to avoid making such short posts, because they don't tell us anything. We want to know what you think, what your opinion on the matter is. When replying to a suggestion topic, please raid your mind and try to express the positives and negatives about that suggestion, and what led to your final decision.

It's also nice to help contribute to an idea, if someone has a suggestion for something and you believe you have an idea for how it could work, suggest it. When it comes to ideas, quantity is preferred over quality. The reason for that is when several people come up with ideas together, people will inspire each other and in the end the best ideas are the ones that will be chosen anyway. The bad ideas might also be excluded from the start if they are not possible or not worth the time for instance, but there is no shame in suggesting an idea that isn't accepted. All your suggestions are appreciated!

Forum warnings will be handed out to players who fail to follow these simple instructions, and if the player repeatedly fails to follow them, they might be restricted to read only in this section.
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