Server bugs

Report any bugs seen on our server or website here. You may report anything from glitches in our script to typos.

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neTwork Online

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by neTwork » January 11, 2024, 6:25 pm
Where does the bug appear: Server
When did the bug appear: Today
Describe the bug: When you immediately purchase the supplies after delivering the bag, the money is fully deducted
Frequency: Likely all the time
Severity: Major
Steps to reproduce: Maybe have it fixed by not being able to immediately purchase the supplies or the way it pleases you the most as long as this bug doesn't occur

There is also a bug that disallows drive-by damage to players who are under hit, when you are a hitman. Even if the player that has a hit is a LEO player for example, and you being a wanted hitman, the drive-by shooting will cause no damage whatsoever. This is a very major bug so have this fixed as soon as possible.

Third bug is also drive-by being uneffective to other players in vehicles (bikes) for some reason until you change a vehicle, or them. This is also very major bug that's been ongoing for a while so please have this fixed as well. Thank you very much.

I can also provide the video footage for the second and third bug that I described if neccesary but I suppose you already have visual insight on those bugs.

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by neTwork » January 11, 2024, 6:40 pm
This is the hitman class bug.


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by Astrl » April 29, 2024, 4:42 pm
I have refactored the code for delivering moneybags to Claude and added a 15 second timer before you are allowed to buy supplies again - let's see if that fixes this, by the looks of things it's likely the anti-cheat removing the money automatically as it sees the sudden changes (I've also added debug logging to see if we can figure anything else out!)

Thanks for the report - please open a separate topic per bug, it makes it difficult to track the ones we've fixed otherwise.
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by neTwork » May 1, 2024, 2:27 pm
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