Complaint - Killerme

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Post by Saeed7 » April 28, 2024, 1:25 pm
*Extends his right hand as he picks up a piece of paper and a pen from the HQ lounge table and starts writing a mail for complaint.
*Mentions the complaint details in the mail.
*Attaches the pictures as in proofs.

In-game name: Saeedi
Their name: Killerme
Reason: Robbing after taking a hit
Proof: Image | Image
I was afk in alcatraz i didnt resist or run inside interior etc... The kill list says it (punched to death) , then robbed my dead body instantly.

*Stops writing and folds the paper to place it in envelope.
*Puts down the pen and stands up from the lounge sofa.
*Goes towards the elevator and enters in.
*Presses the office button on the elevator.
*Enters inside the office floor.

*Puts the envelope inside the mail box located outside the office.


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Post by Squanix » April 28, 2024, 1:59 pm
I consider this an unclear death since the mechanism of the kill list on LSRCR depends on the last player who hits, I meant even If you commit suicide from a roof or any other accident that can be considered a kill to him since he shot you, the logs here exposed the scene, and made it clear that he robbed you after seeing the log of kills on chat, and that is a rule break.

Dear Killerme,

It's your first offense,
Consider this a verbal warning and refrain from robbing after taking a hit contract.

Pagati Management.


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Post by Karu_Tepes » April 28, 2024, 3:58 pm
I'm reopening this so that Killerme can post a defense. I'd like to know more about what happened before/during this, as we have reason to suspect there might more to this story than first reported.

Edit: Killerme had this reply.
Personally, I'd consider this a simple easy hit, however it's clear Killerme didn't appreciate having his time wasted. You admitted to me on discord that you have an anti-afk mod which while I know it's allowed, it means the clock on the hit continues to clock down while you're AFK (despite the fact hits are supported to FREEZE when a player is AFK). He decided to wait thinking you'd come out soon, and the timer is simply getting lower and lower, so he came in to check, only to find you AFK with the clock still going. I can understand how one might consider that being a rather rude thing, given you wasted his time.
Given this mod allowed your clock to continue when it shouldn't, and he had a large chunk of his time wasted, I can support how he might feel disrespected enough to feel it warranted taking extra money for his trouble. The rule does NOT cover every situation in which a member may/may not rob. It's more of a general "Give us a problem, we're taking your money as compensation" rule. As you admitted you were AFK for a long time on discord (10 minutes roughly) and he'd have just be waiting for you to exit while the timer ticked away, I'd be pretty upset to find you just AFK wasting my time too.

Killerme, while you can rob someone if they're being disrespect or unfair in a fight, and I consider this to be disrespectful to you, I also do not think Saeedi purposely intended to waste your time. It seems like something anyone could do without considering the large implications of the situation. Therefore, while I'll rescind the warning from your account, please try to ensure next time the action which is making your job harder is actually intentional. For now, I'll consider it a failure in communication on how the rule works on both parties sides.
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