Archived: New Updates [Latest update: 2018-31-10 V 8.2.12]

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Posts: 1331
Joined: December 15, 2010, 12:52 pm
Location: Finland

by Johnson » August 13, 2011, 4:04 pm
Update 2018-31-10 Version 8.2.12
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- Dealers can now request the items they are selling
- Truck repair checkpoint at Market for Trucker class
- Emergency exit at LS City Bank
- Auto-ransom when a kidnapped player leaves the server
- No more Dispatch messages for rob / rape / murder being done in events
- /escape added to jail evade system (if leaving the server within 30 seconds after usage)
- Minor changes for Medic class
- Minor bug fixes
- Group weapon rack updates
   - Can be switched to receiving a weapon packet on spawn
   - Can be toggled by group moderators in /gpanel (with a 1h cooldown)
- Group vortexes removed from Terrorists
- Group updates for Devils
- Group fixes for LSPDU

Update 2018-11-08 Version 8.2.11
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- Animations are now cleared upon cuff.
- SWAT faction updates
  - SWAT tazers are now slightly more effective.
  - SWAT cuff range increased by 30% (As the same rate it had before last update).
  - SWAT cuffs will now freeze the player.
  - SWAT Shock bomb removes the current weapon you are holding on hand.
  - SWAT vehicle healths slightly changed.
  - Slightly increased SWAT shock bomb radius, which include anti shock and engine kill.
- Cuffed players should no longer be able to fly to certain locations using /fly commands.
- Cop / Army uncuff timer has been decreased down to 20 seconds for non-wanteds.
- Army cuffs changed from 4 to 2.
- Lottery timer reduced by 30 minutes.
- Lottery color changed.
- New admin command added.
- Base updates for Blackouts
- Bug Fixes:
  - Swat can now /drag wanted suspects who are inside banks (Not the main one)
  - ''Unrecognised command'' message when typing /headphone has been fixed.

Update 2018-08-08 Version 8.2.10
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- Balancing changes to shock gun, tazers and cuff commands.
- Criminals are now able to run whilst cuffed.
- Lottery system added (check out /lottery, /buyticket)
- Added option to set house as exclusive to prevent it from being donatable.
- SWAT faction updates
  - Removal of SWAT Bomb
  - Implementation of SWAT Shock bomb
  - Los Santos SWAT base updated
  - Added new SWAT rank (Colonel)
- Combat shotgun added to /dweap
- Max jailtime reduced to 260 seconds, reduced to 200 seconds for players with a VIP packet
- Cuff range reduced by 30%
- Robbery rewards have been boosted (around 30%, depending) for nearly all robberies
- Bug fix for bank robbery award for con artists (con artists would not get the bonus before)
- VIP packet will automatically try to break cuffs if you have a wanted level of 4 or higher.
- Various vehicles have been added at specific locations.
- Bug fix where you didn't receive information while buying a specific blackmarket item.
- Score and money reward has been slightly increased for truckers.

Update 2018-17-07 Version 8.2.7
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- Added Group ATMs.
- Changed respawn timer to 10 seconds.
- Slightly nerfed shock gun to balance it with a tazer.
- Added the option to donate for houses in-game that are donateable (you no longer need to contact an admin for house cases at all).
   - Website is also updated with ability to purchase donation status for undonated houses.
   - Tons of interiors added to the UCP house interior selection.
- Logging updates for houses.
- Blackmarket entering range doubled (you need to be double as far away from an LEO).

Update 2018-24-06 Version 8.2.6
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- Added Luxury Houses including several features
- Group system updates
-- Additions for RP-Groups
--Dynamic group checkpoints that can be enabled/disabled in /gpanel
- Added Drug house in Dillimore
- Sumiyoshi-kai renamed to National Crime Syndicate + base updates
- Maltesini updates

Update 2018-30-04 Version 8.2.5
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- Group member update
   - Saving of playtime, kills, deaths, custom stats in group skin

Update 2018-05-03 Version 8.2
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- Quality of life updates
   - /e fixveh to fix all vehicles in an event.
   - Improved duel messages.
   - Respawn player where he died before duel.
   - No longer wanted level in events.
   - Do not freeze assistants/host with /e freeze.
   - Respawn at DDome if you die there.
   - Add parachute to VIP packet
   - Refresh VIP packet upon unjail.
   - Duel timer set to 10 seconds, no longer freeze players before duel start.
   - Vehicles added to Mount Chilliad.
   - Added a new kit for group weapon racks that includes MP5.
   - Statistics for rob streaks.
- General code updates
   - Refactored donation item’s code
   - Refactored Donator’s dome
- Changes to businesses
   - A lot of new businesses added, scattered across the map, but mostly in LS.
   - New advanced pipebomb business in Blueberry.
   - Changed LV City Hall into a pipebomb business.
   - Robbing Street (from suggestions), street with several shops at Temple/Market Los Santos.
- Duel pass
   - Duel Cards (DC)
   - /duel (playerid)
   - /duelcard
   - /giveduelcard (playerid) [quantity]
   - Statistics for duel cards
   - Has its own topic that can be found here:
- Donation updates
   - Base updates for Stunt Kings
   - Base added for San Fierro Cruisers

Update 2018-28-01 Version 8.1 R98 1
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- Base updates for Terrorists
- Donation VIP Police added:
   - Spawn with weapons,
   - Spawn with cork & wallet,
   - Access up to 3 additional spawn points (Dillimore, El Quebrados, Angel Pine)
   - 2 NRGs added at LSPD for VIP police only
- Prevented accessing Ddome dialog while inside a house

Update 2018-18-01 Version 8.1 R98
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- Added base for Blackouts and other updates for blackouts.
- Updates to area51, slight remapping.
- Changed /dkidnap rank requirement to 75 instead of 500.
- Made /didnap more restrictive and similar to /drag:
   - You now need to be on foot with a getaway vehicle ready in order to /dkidnap someone.
   - You need to be near your getaway vehicle in order to /dkidnap someone on foot.
- Slightly increased the odds of /cutrope.

Update 2017-23-12 Version 8.1 R97
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- Added a new dynamic presents loading system.
   - Old present locations have been removed
   - New present locations have been added.
   - Fixed a strange bug where the present spawns at the same location
   - Authorized players can now add new locations for the presents
   - It will now be possible to add new locations each year easily due to the this system
   - The present get's spawned at different location if no one is able to pick it within 10-15 minutes
      (useful if the location is hard or the present is bugged somehow)    
- Added a command for the Senior Administrators to teleport to the present location (debugging purposes)
- Upgraded the /drag command
   - SWAT members will now be able to drag upto 3 suspects in a vehicle
   - Automatically finds and drags into any empty seat of the vehicle
      (front passenger, back-left passenger, back-right passenger)
   - Shows error message if you haven't entered any vehicle before dragging
   - Shows error message if it's a one-seated vehicle
   - Shows error message if no seat is empty for dragging
- Fix for kidnapped & cuffed players in army & swat zone
- Mtb spawn weapons for second spawn point
- Added a second base for the group Mountain Bike Riders
- Fixed /breakcuff's odds (stabilized the probability)
- Fixed the event listing both for loading and deleting purposes.
   - Administrators will now be able to save their event presets
   - Or use the existing event templates for quickly setting up the events
- Messages for hitmen/pagati/staff members when players with hit contracts leave or a hit contract is removed by a staff member
   - Forum suggestion by Ritz
- Added a GPS system for the newbies
   - /gps <location name>, activates the gps for the mentioned location
   - /gpslist, shows all the supported locations for the gps
   - /gpsoff, turns off the gps navigation
- Removed bikes from the shops
   - You can now rent them from the NPC near glen park
   - The rented bikes aren't owned and can be stolen
   - There's a cool down of 10 minutes before renting another bike
- Added support for vehicle model 437 in /onduty command (for the Coach at Taxi Drivers group)
- Updated /help and /commands

Update 2017-24-11 Version 8.1 R96
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- All group system updates that haven't been covered
- Balancing changes (taze capacity, shock capacity, new BM item)
- Vip packet loading / saving
- Broadcast /su in Law Enforcement Radio
- Increased range for /blowgate so that it will work on gates with large objects.
- Set the chance of /blowgate to 100% if a SWAT member with a SWAT bomb uses it (consumes SWAT bomb)
- Updated S.W.A.T. Ranks and Salaries
- Actions to prevent anti-cheat warnings from spamming admins
- Autoban system slightly changed.
- Fixed next page/previous page for group offline member list
- Updated Blackouts LS base
- Updated crashdetect plugin
- Fixed mechanic job for TGOLS members who want to spawn as one.
- *This update will be evaluated and we will see how the players like it*

Update 2017-06-11 Version 8.1 R94
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- Some refactoring done to group system.
- Updated group system, one group can now have additional spawning points.
- Bug fixes.

Update 2017-06-11 Version 8.1 R93
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- Improvements to previous three latest updates, do not need to go into detail.
- Several bug fixes.
- Added dynamic group vaults.
- Updates for Pink Angels group and Blackouts.
- Only display groups with online members in /gl.

Update 2017-03-11 Version 8.1 R92
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- Various improvements to anti-cheat, security & admin features.

Update 2017-31-10 Version 8.1 R91
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- Fix for "Reconnecting" bug, should occur less slightly now.
- Autoban is now stricter, will not go into too much detail.

Update 2017-30-10 Version 8.1 R90
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- Various admin & security improvements
- Updates to Pink Angels
- Various fixes and some refactored code

Update 2017-17-10 Version 8.1 R86
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- Added Snappi's donation's base - Pink Angels
- Added robbery for group weapons from Guns & Range, Bone County (previous ammunation):
   -** Players with VIP packets will always loot extra crates of ammo. **-
   - You need two players spawned at the same group in order to rob ammunation for your weapon stack
   - The first player needs 1500 score and a Frequency Jammer from the Black Market.
   - The second player needs 750 score and a getaway vehicle.
   - The first player holds up the cashier in a normal way, activating the jammer to avoid emergency signals.
   - The second player stays in the checkpoint while weapons are loaded into the vehicle.
   - The Guns & Ammo ammunation shop can be located at the following place, near the LV S.W.A.T base, you can see a small checkpoint near its back entrance.
   - When you have successfully stolen some crates of weapons, you can take these back to your weapon rack and refill it.
- Prioritized group spawning over houses, you no longer need to cancel house spawning.
- Slightly altered group MOTDs, you can now have HEX color codes in the message.
- Increased the maximum allowed amount of groups, group gates.
- Re-enabled discord connection bot temporarily to see how it works on the main server, we have previously had issues with this plugin. For now, its functions have been reduced and it will not nearly send as many messages as it used to.
- Fixed a bug where you can spawn at a house you do not own, if you spawn at a house which is not yours now, your spawn will automatically be reset.
- Improved an admin ability to reset the virtual world of a player, it will now also reset the interior.
- Addded a command for seniors admins to easier give out packets and such after restarts.
- Altered /gspawn <name> so that it's no longer case sensitive.
- All group weapon racks were set to 200% durability.
- All group drug depots were set to 3000 grams.

Update 2017-05-09 Version 8.1 R85
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- If a Law enforcement officer is a in safe zone and has a hit contract, they can get attacked by hitman and retaliate.

Update 2017-03-05 Version 8.1 R76
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- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Players will no longer become automatically uncuffed if they obtain wanted level while cuff timer is running.
- New admin command and improved anticheat.

Update 2017-04-10 Version 8.1 R75
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- Added playtime tracker to S.W.A.T.
- Efficiency rewrite for group vehicles
- Rewrite group code -- added group information to MySQL
- ability of adding policelights, sirens and neons to group vehicles (prices to be announced soon)
- group gates can be blown up (/blowgate) by cops and by civilians with C4
- group weapon and drug checkpoints have been replaced by weapon racks and drug depots and can be refilled by members
- custom group list commands have been replaced by /glist
- group gates are now toggled by /ggates
- group chats are now being used by /gm
- group vehicles and features can only be used when being spawned in group (/gspawn)

Update 2017-03-23 Version 8.1 R71
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- Improvements to group vehicles and group system.
- Ability for certain groups not to require spawning to use vehicles.
- Group messaging now through /gm, other group messaging commands will be removed in the future.
- Color for group messages and such can be chosen by group leaders, contact CXdur if you'd like yours changed.
- /groupcmds (/gcmds) for a list of all group commands.

Update 2017-03-15 Version 8.1 R70
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- Removed the ability to passenger vehicles when cuffed.
- S.W.A.T. cuffs are no longer permanent if the player cuffed has a wanted level below 4.
- S.W.A.T. drag command failure rate in interiors have been removed, drags will now always succeed.
- Chat functions improved.
- Group vehicle functions, ability to easily add group vehicles, even for new groups.
- /grouppanel (/gpanel) command for group moderators and higher.

Update 2017-02-10 Version 8.1 R61 2
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- Tuning Shops / Modifications Garage icons across San Andreas
- Improved group rights,that includes;
-No need to be eligible for spawn to use group rank
-Offline list improved for bigger groups
-Groups log display

Update 2017-01-16 Version 8.1 R61 2
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- Improved groups listing for groupspawn.
- Added Taxi Drivers base to the server.
- Commented old unused base.

Update 2017-01-16 Version 8.1 R61
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- Added ability for event hosts to select assistants, they will have access to various event functions to help the host manage the event.
- Enabled /grouprank for all groups in /groupspawn, their original ranking commands have been removed.

Update 2017-01-12 Version 8.1 R60
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- Refactored group system.
- Added group management functions for group leaders and players with high enough group right.
- /grouprank  command which gives access to this dialog.
- Ability to view all online players with group ranks and manage them from a dialog, the same goes for offline players with group rights.
- Group rights set through the dialog are always logged now.
- Admin updates.
- Not all groups have this system unlocked yet, if you want your group to have this system please send CXdur a forum pm.
- VIP packet now allows you to spawn with 9 shock guns.
- New SWAT feature added.

Update 2017-01-02 Version 8.1 R56
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8.1.56 changelog:
- Event system refactored:
* Way more structured now and it is a lot easier for developers to add new features to the event system now.
* Special event rights have been added. This is for administrators or sometimes moderators who have a good understanding of the event system, these rights give you access to saving event presets and experimental event features.
* Event presets can be saved (all vehicles and event settings are saved), and any event host may load them. This will make setting up events a lot easier.
* Event list for event hosts to easily manage specific event players & vehicles, this has been developed in a way that more similar features can easily be added onto it.
* Lots of new features, some of them are vehicle only mode (players are forced to stay in vehicles, leaving it results in losing the event), freeze spawn (players are frozen around the spawn point area, single players can be made immune to this or is automatically when placed in an event vehicle), player respawning (experimental event feature that allows players to respawn inside the event).

Update 2016-12-04 Version 8.1 R54
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8.1.54 changelog:
- LSPD United group fixes
- Christmas update (chance of Santa reducing jail time)
- Escaping jail bug fixes
- Admin system updates

Update 2016-09-24 Version 8.1 R50
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8.1.50 changelog:
** General server updates:
- A lot of typos have been fixed, a lot of messages have been changed to look better.
- /allowpm (id) has been added to allow certain players to PM a player even though PMs are off.
- A few weapon racks will now give weapons with higher armour.
- Event system has been updated to make it easier for admins.
- Admin mode has been added to the player colours list (/pc).
- Dkidnap has been nerfed slightly (can't kidnap a player who is surrounded by others).
- Screwdriver has been added to salesman list.
- Brand new police light system.
- /fix now has a chance to remove sand from vehicle if fix rank is above 500, if fix rank is above 1000 you cannot fail at all.
- /fixme will do the same for your personal vehicle.
- Added a 10 second cooldown after /break where you cannot fix vehicles as a mechanic.
- Police lights should now be destroyed with the vehicle.
- Dispatcher for SWAT when service vehicles are broken.
- SWAT tank now spawns with 3000 health
- SWAT vehicles now respawn after 15 minutes.
- Sirens added for the SWAT vehicles that support police lights.
- Plates added for other pagati vehicles.
- Fixed a bug causing vehicle references to be mixed (towing an admin vehicle for instance).
- Reduced the time necessary before you can escape from jail.
- The automatic wanted level for carrying passenger now also applies for car surfing players.
- When a player dies in a vehicle without having been hit, the player who shot the vehicle will get the kill.
- Group spawning system was rewritten.
- Commmands to spawn at group bases are now all in one command: /groupspawn.
- When a player dies from a S.W.A.T Bomb explosion, set the appropriate killer.
- S.W.A.T. bomb explosion was recreated, also no longer harm non-wanted players.
- This explosion can be used for other future updates and such.
- Fixed a couple bugs that would print errors although not critical.
- Changed the /uncuff range to the same range as the /cuff one.
- The LS S.W.A.T. base has received some improvements.
- S.W.A.T. members will now receive drag score from delivering suspects (every 4th suspect or so, not driver).
- S.W.A.T. Dispatcher has received a couple new messages to send under different circumstances.
- Robbery streaks added, double score and rob rank after 10 robberies (only applies to Los Santos).
- Driver driveby anti-deathmatching has been added (similar to heliblade kills).
- Cops can no longer damage non-wanted players while being in safe-zone (i.e pagati, hitmen, if they are orange you can.)
- Players will now get autokicked when escape abusing while having been dragged by S.W.A.T. (swat members will receive score).
- Rewrote /pglist, it should now be sorted by rank.
- Rewrote /armylist, should also be sorted by rank (donators on top though).
- Added /armyvipfix to respawn the army VIP vehicles.
** New donation features:
- S.W.A.T. VIP packet has been added, features can be seen in the donation shop.
- Army VIP packet has been added, features can be seen in the donation shop.
- Blackmarket VIP access has been added, features can be seen in the donation shop.
** Donation group updates:
- Akatsuki are now allowed to spawn at their base as mechanics.
- Dream Team are now allowed to no spawn at their base as mechanics.
- A couple akatsuki messages have been changed to be be more clear.
- Fixed akatsuki /cmds.
- Some LSPDU messages have been slightly changed.
- Terrorist bugs have been fixed, slight changes.
- Bug fixes for Anime Brigade.
- New command features for Anime Brigade.
- You can no longer spawn at bases in incorrect skins.
- You will now always spawn at the selected group's spawn location despite having selected other spawns.
- Changed some more chat colours for Anime Brigade.

Update 2016-09-04 Version 8.1 R46
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- Admin updates
- Event updates
- /hit id now requires a reason when placing a hit.
- Set pagati weapons dialog to automatically re-open again after taking a weapon, players will now have to close it manually.
- Old error fix.
- Dispenser added for Absynth's Crew.
- Fixed a bug where the anti chainsaw dm would disarm law enforcement agents successfully killing wanteds.
- Anime Brigade donation request added to server.
- A lot of messages have been edited to look better and a lot of typos have been corrected.

Update 2016-08-30 Version 8.1 R45
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- Updates are below:

Update 2016-08-14 Version 8.1 R35
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- New S.W.A.T. base added in Las Venturas.
- New S.W.A.T. command and some other small updates along with base.
- Maltesini updates, new vehicle, commands changed to make more sense.
- House system updates.

Update 2016-01-25 Version 8.1 R31
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- Trucker message command (/trm)
- /cancelhit
- Command to chat at donators dome (/ddc)
- Government Medics can no longer be shot down. However a medic can be shot down if they they have healed a LEO at a close time and if the attacker is wanted.
- Added blindfolds, buyable via /items.
- Added C4 shop to LV.
- Three new purchasable interiors for houses.
- Drug dealers will receive score from drug deals now (only if they made a deal over 250g)

Update 2015-12-20 Version 8.1 R30
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- Bug fixes
- Added /pointup
- Players in RP mode are able to DM eachother and they are able to kill eachother with headshots. :?
- SWAT has the ability to hide their map markers now

Update 2015-11-20 Version 8.1 R29
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- New player-leaded group "Terrorists" has been added.
- Some updates to Army.
- The probability to suceed with /dkidnap has increased, along with a longer cooldown and the ability to kidnap a player with a bike has been disabled.
- Other bug fixes.

Update 2015-10-15 Version 8.1 R27
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- Alcatraz cells have been numbered.
- ATMs are now automatically refilled.
- Cooldown added for /free and /parole.

Update 2015-10-12 Version 8.1 R26
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- Added ATM machines to LV and SF.
- Changes made to /dkidnap, players in car can not be kidnapped and a player can not be kidnapped repeatedly.

Update 2015-09-25 Version 8.1 R25
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- /dkidnap has been added (for players who have more than 500 kidnaps) this allows kidnappers to force kidnap players without convincing them to enter their vehicle.
- /smuggle command has been added for private medics, this allows private medics to smuggle organs from a kidnapped player.
- Con artists have a higher chance to break cuffs as they have a higher robbery rank.

Update 2015-09-23 Version 8.1 R24
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- Driver Driveby for Vortex has been disabled.
- /myhits has been added.
- Bug / Typo fixes.

Update 2015-09-07 Version 8.1 R23
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- Bug fixes, typo fixes.
- Cops are now able to select from extended spawn points.
- /clearchat added for clearing the individual's chat.
- Updates to following groups: Gambino, VLA, TGOLS.
- Players are able to sell their bought vehicles back.
- Two new player lead groups: "The Bikers" and "The Warriors."

Update 2015-08-25 Version 8.1 R22
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- Some bug fixes.
- Screw driver is now shown at /info.
- Updates to VLA.
- /swatreset has been added.

Update 2015-08-12 Version 8.1 R21
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- Some bug fixes.
- Your wanted level will now increase by 8 if you participate in a riot at Jefferson.
- Added tow points to Las Venturas Airport and San Fierro Airport.
- Players in Alcatraz can no longer be paroled.

Update 2015-08-08 Version 8.1 R20
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- Updates to the following groups: Gambino, Pagati, VLA.
- /do command has been added.
- Players are automatically taken out of the bank when the bank is closed.
- Bug fixes
- The rewards for robbing the MonteCity Casino has been increased.

Update 2015-07-30 Version 8.1 R19
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- Bug fixes.
- Some player donated groups have been updated.

Update 2015-07-26 Version 8.1 R18
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- Bug fixes, typo fixes.
- New intro , Credits go to [Lsrcr]Angelo!
- Government Medics can no longer hurt other people.
- Updates to TGOLS, Pagati and VLA.
- Players who have escaped jail can no longer get paroled.
- The reward for robbing the bank has increased.

Update 2015-06-30 Version 8.1 R17
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- Bug fixes.

Update 2015-06-27 Version 8.1 R16
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- Bug fixes and typo fixes.
- There is a possibility of failing to /drag a suspect out of an interior / building.
- Players can buy up to 6 shockgun charges now.
- Pagati spawns with 50 grams of drugs now.
- Added 3 new bribe stars to Los Santos.
- Criminals can now bribe officers via /bribe.
- Added weapon packages to ammunations.
- Con artists and Rapists have a chance to spawn with shockguns.
- Law Enforcement spawn with a limited amount of cuffs. And accordingly, /givecuffs has been added.
* When a law enforcer /cuffs a player, they will use one of their cuffs, if this law enforcer arrests that player, they will get their cuffs back.
*** Law enforcement can only lose their cuffs if the player gets auto-cuffed or if someone else arrests the suspect.
*** A broken cuff (/bc) can not be retrieved.
*** Cuffs can be replenished from weapon checkpoints at Cop / Faction bases and also can be replenished by entering Law Enforcement vehicles.
- Added a rustler to the Army ship.
- Improvements have been made to /ignore.
- Shooter package gives 4 shockguns now.

Update 2015-06-23 Version 8.1 R15

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- Bug fixes / typo corrections.
- Added an ATM to Jefferson.
- Players can't send private messages while having their PMs disabled.
- Removed quads and sanchez from Army
- Added 2 rustlers for Army to the LV base.
- Players can now send private messages while they are not alive.
- Paychecks for Army and SWAT members increase as they rankup.
- License plate added for Pagati Don's vehicle.
- Added AK47 to Pagati weapon stack.
- /givehp for radio DJs to give headphones.
- SWAT can now /drag suspects while they are in interiors.
- /giveinjections has been added.
- SWAT FPC+ spawns with 10 injections now.
- Added SPAS to SWAT and Army weapon stacks.
- /takefam and /givefam fixes
- Enforcer and FBI truck health has been increased for SWAT.
- Glen's house is rob-able now.
- Idle players will not receive paychecks
- Added  skins which came with 0.3.7
- /windows and /doors commands.
- /info shows how many corks and wallets you have
- SWAT vehicles can not get damaged by Army/SWAT/Cops while carrying criminals (Driver DB excluded)
- Players can not quickly exit a house after entering it.
- Players can not take care of their own hits.
- Fixed Lil probe inn jail bug.
- Players can't /break while cuffed.
- Players can not abuse /tune anymore.
- Suspects can not be /pull'ed out of vehicles if there are SWATS in the vehicle.
- Changed police color.
- Players can not abuse /fall or anyother animation to avoid impact.
- Players can not exit a house / enter a house while handcuffed.
- Players who are in jail can not be killed.

Update 2015-04-13 Version 8.1 R2-R13
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- Decreased the fuel consumption of all vehicles
- Performance improvements
- Added fuel cans to shops
- Decreased the respawn time of SWAT vehicles
- Allowed picking up the SWAT bomb from ground
- Colouring in /warehouses updated
- Warehouses are now replenished automatically
- Added trucks and trailers to the trucker base
- Donation group updates
- Improved protection against various attacks
- Bug fixes

Update 2015-03-19 Version 8.1
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- Trucker skill
- Prison break
- Players can now own 3 cars, 1 boat and 1 plane
- New skin categories, 135+ new skins
- /lock cannot be used on bikes
- /request
- /sell
- /roll
- /pull
- /pmgleader
- Limit the range of /me
- Shared rewards for SWAT
- Sprunk machine for SWAT
- C-bug prevention
- Parole rank is now saved
- Increase wanted level when carrying a suspect
- Disallow /kill if there’s a hit contract on you
- Passenger cannot deal damage if there is no driver
- New Gambino base
- Bug fixes

Update 2015-01-09 Version 8.0 R21-R34
Code: Select all
- Donation group updates
- Admin updates
- Anti-cheat improvements

Update 2014-09-24 Version 8.0 R19, R20
Code: Select all
- Kidnappers can now rob and rape kidnapped players in a vehicle
- Players with keys to a vehicle are now able to lock the vehicle
- Bug fixes
- Data storage refactoring

Update 2014-08-15 Version 8.0 R10-R18
Code: Select all
- Admin updates
- Bug fixes
- Performance improvements

Update 2014-07-12 Version 8.0 R8, R9
Code: Select all
- Updates to admin commands

Update 2014-07-04 Version 8.0 R7
Code: Select all
- Location system updated, more detailed information available and related bugs fixed
- Command /housecar added
- Spawn protection for 5 seconds

Update 2014-06-17 Version 8.0 R3-R6
Code: Select all
- Multiple bug fixes
- /hits updated
- Updates to the hydra spawn in the Donators' Dome
- /wlist removed
- /list added for all skills (equivalent to /wlist)
- Tweaks to the SWAT base
- Innocent players are automatically uncuffed after search
- Anti jail-evade system updated

Update 2014-05-17 Version 8.0 R2
Code: Select all
- Numerous bug fixes related to 8.0 update

Version 8.0

Code: Select all
 - Businesses updated
 -- Press [F] or [Enter] to enter and exit businesses
 -- Map icons added for every business (robbable place)
 -- Over 110 places to rob
 -- Food dialog
 - Robbing system updated
 -- Aim at the NPC to rob
 -- Flag on map for 15 seconds on robbery (for law enforcement agents)
 -- Robbing skill requirements updated
 -- /robskill updated

 - Anti death match
 -- Wanteds are allowed to kill cops (at any time)
 -- Hitmen are allowed to kill players for a hit contract (at any time)
 -- Players with a hit contract are allowed to kill hitmen (at any time)
 -- Very hard, almost impossible, to get killed by a death matcher
 -- Safe zone at LS, LV and SF PD
 -- Law enforcers cannot be robbed, raped or harmed whilst in a safe-zone
 - Fixed hit expiration
 - Improved anti-spam on chat
 - Updated internet TD
 - Removed /rep
 - Removed gates from the driving school
 - Fixed restart spam
 - Updated Ammu-nations, enter number of rounds to buy
 - Moved bank
 - Updated entrance/exit
 - Show vehicle's model when entering a vehicle
 - Added option to stop spawning at the house to /houses
 - Added info messages on chat
 - Added new swat base
 -- Automatic gates
 - Fixed /rpb anti-spam
 - Tutorial added
 -- /tutorial
 -- On spawn if ArrestRank = 0
 -- On spawn if RobRank = 0
 - Show weekday for everyone, not just in /rpmode
 - Removed /rcommands
 - Rewrote /ar
 - Kick player after 30s if not logged in
 - Added /reconnect
 - Added skin 170
 - /DefaultSkin (/none)
 - /ChangeSkin
 - Fixed /exith after arrest
 - Increased bank deposit amount to 5 million.
 - Fixed bug with headphones
 - Kidnappers can rob and rape inside a vehicle
 - Kidnapped players can no longer rob, rape, taze, cuff or arrest
 - 250 score required to pick up a money bag in the bank
 - Numerous bug fixes
 - Hideout for Gambino
 - Alcatraz interior changed
 - Weapons are now removed when entering the Alcatraz and given back when leaving
 - Knife has been removed
 - 50 score is required to use /hit
 - Hitmen may kill any players having a hit contract regardless of their class or wanted level

Update 2014-03-02 Version 7.1 R45, R46
Code: Select all
 - Changed Maltesini family to the Gambino family
 - Anti vehicle teleport
 - Update anti weapon hack
 - Anti Cheat/Superman flying hack
 - Auto kick for rapid fire cleo mod

Update 2014-02-23 Version 7.1 R40, R41, R42, R43, R44
Code: Select all
 - Bug fixes
 - Updates to hit system
 - rpmode:
 -- Weekdays added
 -- /b (message) for OOC
 -- /rpcmds

Update 2014-01-26 Version 7.1 R35, R36, R37, R38, R39
Code: Select all
 - Reputation system added
 -- /rep
 -- /myrep
 - /disarm (all/current) added
 - Army updates
 - /status renamed to /stats
 - /rpmode added
 -- Lose health when crashing a vehicle if seatbelt isn't worn
 -- /seatbelt or /sb to toggle seatbelt
 -- Fuel system enabled in role-play mode
 -- /rpcuff and /rpuncuff added

Update 2014-01-10 Version 7.1 R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R30, R31, R32, R33, R34
Code: Select all
 - Army vehicles spawn now more frequently
 - Improvements to the anti-cheat system
 - Website to in-game integration improved
 -- /pm and /r can be used to send messages from in-game to the web chat
 - Wayfarer added to the mystery shop
 - House vehicle system updated
 - Code clean up
 - Bug fixes

Update 2013-12-07 Version 7.1 R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22, R23, R24
Code: Select all
 - Tweaks to the house system
 -- Donated houses purchased with in-game money are no longer donated after the sale
 -- Confirmation added when selling a house
 -- F key should be now pressed while standing in the pickup to open the house dialog
 -- House owner is now shown above the pickup
 - Headphones added
 - Plane repair hangar added to LSA
 - Tweaks to the vehicle system
 - New skins added
 - Bug fixes

Update 2013-10-31 Version 7.1 R14, R15
Code: Select all
 - /houses added, shows all the houses you own
 - /event added to make it easier to host and participate in events
 - Updates to the script core features

Update 2013-10-24 Version 7.1 R10, R11, R12, R13
Code: Select all
 - Email address is now asked from every in-game user
 - Bug fixes
 - New police skins added
 - Unlimited health in Jumping Jack in the Donors' Dome
 - /info updated

Update 2013-08-06 Version 7.1 R7, R8, R9
Code: Select all
 - Security question system updated
 -- Every user enter a new security question
 - Bug fixes
 - Code optimisations

Website update 2013-08-22
Code: Select all
 - Added 'Faction' section on main UCP page for convenience.
 - Added 'You can apply here' to faction information.
 - Neatened up UCP Page a little, added user-friendly icons.
 - Tag Applications Positives and Negatives are now easier to understand.[/b] (...yet)

Update 2013-08-14 Version 7.1 R6
Extra Info: If you crash when the new skin menu opens you probably need to remove your skin mod(s). If you need a back of the default skins click here.
On spawn the class message will be send twice, this is a temporary fix for the new skin menu.

Code: Select all
 - Disabled swat and army zones in DD
 - Don't allow killing while cuffed
 - New skin menu (Unfinished)
 - 5 hot dog vans spawned
 - More regular vehicles at los santos spawn locations
 - Added Syeef's base
 - The Mexican family base update
 - Faroka's base update + ranking system
 - Fix house dialog
 - Auto-kick for fake tags
 - Multiple minor bug fixes

Update 2013-07-31 Version 7.1 R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5
Code: Select all
 - Reduce money by 90%
 - Adjust the level of income and prices of all items
 - Syntax for /givegate and /takegate updated
 - Fine tune probabilities when robbing a store
 - Change the password hashing algorithm
 - About 20 bug fixes
 - Update the wanted stars
 -- 1-3: 1 star
 -- 3-9: 2 stars
 -- 10-24: 3 stars
 -- 25--49: 4 stars
 -- 50-: 5 stars
 -- most wanted: 6 stars
 - Ability to disable chat with /server or /togglechat
 - Anti-spam for all commands

Update 2013-06-30 Version 7.0x R35, R36, R37, R38
Code: Select all
 - Rank restrictions to army vehicles
 - Security enhancements
 - Admin updates
 - Chat and private messages are now pruned after 7 days from the database
 - Database and query optimisations
 - Bug fixes
 - ATM mini-missions

Update 2013-06-03 Version 7.0x R29, R30, R31, R32, R33, R34
Code: Select all
 - The colour of police message was changed
 - Bug fixes
 - Tweaks to anti-cheat system
 - New pagati base and commands ([url][/url])

Website update 2013-05-22
Code: Select all
 - Added "Messaging" page to UCP (
 - You may discuss with other players on the website
 - Messages are sent from in-game to the website, but [b]not the other way around[/b] (...yet)

Update 2013-05-06 Version 7.0x R22, R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R28
Code: Select all
 - Security enhancements
 - Anti-cheat updated
 - Server sync rates and distances increased (should result in smoother playing experience)
 - /ping to show own average ping
 - /cm colour changed
 - Admin updates

Update 2013-05-06 Version 7.0x R17, R18, R19, R20, R21
Code: Select all
 - Bug fixes
 - VIP lounge added
 - /swlist renamed to /swatlist
 - Army ranks added
 - /armylist added
 - /temparmy added again
 - The radio channel of the disco can be changed now

Update 2013-04-08 Version 7.0x R14, R15, R16
Code: Select all
 - S.W.A.T. ranks added in-game
 -- Different ranks have different permissions, refer to SWAT section for further information
 - /swlist to see a list of players using S.W.A.T. skin
 - Bug fixes

Forum update 2013-03-22
Code: Select all
 - Delayed loading of images, should result in smoother browsing experience
 - The images added with [img] now automatically fit the page width

Update 2013-03-20 Version 7.0x R13
Code: Select all
 - Add a lift to the office building in LS
 - Admin updates

Update 2013-03-18 Version 7.0x R3,R9,R10,R11,R12
Code: Select all
7.0x R3
 - Memory optimisation
7.0x R9
 - Add /police (info cmd)

7.0x R10
 - Add notification sound to /pm
 - /pmsound to toggle
7.0x R11
 - Fix /pmsound
 - Increase draw distance of army carrier's base objects
 - Add /plate
7.0x R12
 - 2 patriots to carrier
 - Rhino health to 3000
 - Patriot health to 1500
 - Clock is hidden on /moviemodeon
 - bug fixes

Update 2013-02-16 Version 7.0 R2
Code: Select all
- Upgraded to SA-MP 0.3x

Update 2013-01-23 Version 7.0 R2
Code: Select all
- Multiple bug fixes
- Bank restore timer set to 10 minutes

Update 2013-01-21 Version 7.0 R1

Code: Select all
- Multiple bug fixes
- New bank interior for Los santos (near pd)
- New NPC "Claude" Location: East Beach
- New bank robbing method (Talk with Claude and buy supplies for more information)
- Con artist can steal moneybags from other players with /rob
- Auto ban for cheaters improved
- Admin commands improved
- hydras for army to kill most wanted(dark red) only
- Second skin for Army and Medic
- Sell hot dogs by pressing number 2 in a hot dog van (white/innocent players only)
- /status updated
- Pagati members spawning at their house (FIXED)
- Maltesini building added (thanks to lucas123 for his generous donation)
- Admin commands improved

Update 2012-12-08 Version 6.2 R23
Code: Select all
 - Multiple bug fixes
 - Maximum money which can be stored in bank has been increased from
2 147 483 637 to 9 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999  999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Update 2012-12-08 Version 6.2 R22
Code: Select all
 - Selling houses has been updated
 -- Owner can now set the price of the house
 -- Buyer and seller do not need to be online at the same time

Update 2012-06-15 Version 6.2 R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11
Code: Select all
 - Bug fixes
 - Online list added to website
 - /server command added
 - Idlewood Town removed (map)
 - El Corona Street removed (map)
 - Player class system rewritten
 - Ammo increased in cops' weapons dialog
 - New army base added in desert, commands /gate1, /gate2 and /gate3
 - Admin updates
 - New swat base in SF, command /swgate
 - Fixed the yellow markers inside some houses
 - Police lights -donation item added
 - Server time slowed down, one day takes now 2 real hours (previously 24 minutes)
 - Taze and shock times decreased from 3000ms to 1250ms

Website update 2012-05-22

Code: Select all
 - Brand new design for the website
 - Multiple tweaks to many pages
 - Profile page was added in UCP
 - Public profiles ([USERNAME])

Update 2012-05-22 Version 6.2 R2, R3
Code: Select all
 - Stats are saved every 5 minutes
 - El Corona Street (map) was added
 - /rules updated

Update 2012-05-17 Version 6.2
Code: Select all
 - Upgraded to 0.3e
 - Cuffed animation was added
 - Object streamer was updated
 - Camera was added in 24/7 stores
 - Gate system was added (more information will be posted later)

Update 2012-04-30 Version 6.1 R5
Code: Select all
 - Admin updates
 - The way radio stations are loaded in-game was changed

Website update 2012-04-22

Code: Select all
- New tab added to - Change password

Update 2012-04-19 Version 6.1 R2, R3 and R4
Code: Select all
- Bug fixes
- 40 new briefcase locations
- Montecity casino fixed

Update 2012-04-10 Version 6.1
Code: Select all
- More stores support now robbing by pressing Y
- Minor bug fixes
- Admin updates
- MySQL plugin updated (cache based data processing => much better performance)

Update 2012-04-02 Version 6 R19
Code: Select all
- Nitrous cannot be added without asking for it (/mechanic)
- Possibility to disable server messages (i.e. robbery and arrest messages) using /servermsg
- Most stores can be robbed by pressing Y in the checkpost

Update 2012-03-25 Version 6 R18
Code: Select all
- Vehicle keys
   CMD:takekeys (id)
   CMD:givekeys (id)
- Admin updates

Update 2012-03-17 Version 6 R17

Code: Select all
- Many bug fixes
- Army /commands updated
- Anti-dm updated
- Drug dealing updated
- Sell house updated: "Yes, I want to sell my house" to confirm it
- Hits are removed only if killed by a hitman / hit expires
- The name of player who placed the hit contract and the amount is now shown in /hits
- Playing as hitman requires 50 score

Website update 2012-03-17

Code: Select all
- New tab added to - Points
- You may now view your recent purchases and donations and send points to other people

Update 2012-02-28 Version 6 R16

Code: Select all
- Improvements to admin system
- /color can only be used on own vehicles
- Army zone no longer flashs
- Visual improvements

Update 2012-02-26 Version 6 R15

Code: Select all
- Anti-cheat system was updated
- /ignore (id) to ignore PMs from one player, /stopignore (id) to accept PMs again
- Anti-jail-evade system was added
- SWAT and Army no longer spawn at house no matter what
- Arrest checkpoints in Dillimore, SF and LV
- /kill cannot be used when kidnapped
- /helmoff lasts for whole gaming session (or to /helmon)

Update 2012-02-20 Version 6 R14

Code: Select all
- House vehicles were added (more information about them later)
- SWAT and army has now their zones
- Sellweapons timer was updated
- /color (color1) (color2) was added (to change color of own vehicle)
- /colors commands to view some available colors
- Weapon checkpoint in Dillimore
- The robbery of Montecity casino was updated
- Possible fix to server flood attacks
- Confirmation when selling a house was added
- Threaded all non-threaded queries
- Edited the way result is fetched from the database

Update 2012-02-11 Version 6 R13

Code: Select all
- Multiple bug fixes
-  /armygate for army (to open/close the gate)

Update 2012-02-05 Version 6 R12

Code: Select all
- Donation vehicle system finished server wise
- Predator added for army
- Couple of things added in hope of solving "freeze" issues

Update 2012-02-04 Version 6 R11

Code: Select all
- Bug when fining hitmen was fixed
- Army messages (when entering vehicle) updated
- Jeffrey's shop (question mark shop) is now selling vehicles again
- Few bugs in army ship fixed
- Considering army:
    -/armyup and /armydown, these are to be used in case of one falling to the water
    -/armyfix, fixes the army vehicles if they are bugged
    - Smoke machine was removed
    - Door at the back of the door was made more realistic

Update 2012-01-27 Version 6 R10

Code: Select all
-Small bug fixes
   - Command /prepc4 fixed
   - Command /news fixed
   - Auto vehicle unlock after buying/towing a vehicle
   - Command /am /sm
- New commands /giveblunt /givebeer /givewine
- La Famiglia Assassini Pagati is back more info about this coming soon
- Army tanks/rhinos spawns with 2000 health
- Sprunk machine in army base set health to 100
- Gun Game for Donors Dome more info about this coming soon
- Few more edits

Update 2012-01-23 Version 6 R9

Code: Select all
- Bug considering falling from the sky when jailed fixed
- Driving someone else's bought bikes is no longer possible, ejecting method was changed on bikes
- Bug when criminal entered UC cop's vehicle, giving police wanted has been fixed
- SWAT's can no longer be /rp'ed
- Medics can no longer be cuffed
- Bugs in plane shop fixed
- Few admin commands updated
- Cops get now weapons on spawn based on score
- House dialog is not shown within 5 seconds from leaving the house or spawning at it
- /talkmode (W / CW / PMG / chat), allows you to change the default functionality of saying something

Version 6 R8

Code: Select all
- bug fixes

Update 2011-12-30 Version 6 R7

Code: Select all
- /putnitro can no longer be used on unsupported vehicles
- If you are in vehicle while doing /putnitro, nitro will be added to your vehicle
- Few bugs considering the motor sports stadium fixed.
- You can perform now wire transfers in bank

Update 2011-12-28 Version 6 R6

Code: Select all
- Bug considering Donors' Dome fixed
- Vehicle system has updated:
    - You can only buy 3 vehicles max
    - Vehicles are stored always, even over restart, and can be reclaimed from any vehicle shops
    - If you want to delete and buy a new vehicle, you can do it in vehicle shops as well.
- Anti carspam, fixed after restart
- new vehicles in the stadion
- tow trucks removed
- bank minimum rob interval is now 30 minutes

Update 2011-12-19 Version 6 R5

Code: Select all
- Updates to admin system
- /request (song);(artist) to request songs from Lsrcr radio
- Couple of DJ commands what Kissane knows more about

Update 2011-12-17 Version 6 R4

Code: Select all
- Updates to admin system
- 1 second "freeze" when entering houses, fixes the objects' loading delay

Update 2011-11-29 Version 6 R3

Code: Select all
- Fixed security vulnerability
- Fixed bug considering saving stats

Update 2011-11-28 Version 6 R2

Code: Select all
- Updates to admin system
- Army rank updated: +1 for orange, +2 for red, +3 for most wanted
- couple of object bug fixes related to 0.3d
- different messages on chat when SWAT/Army kills

Update 2011-12-08

The server has now been upgraded to 0.3d we also made new features for ingame click read more for info.

Update 2011-12-07

Visit and login with your ingame name.

Code: Select all
Christmas edition for the donation shop this includes but not limited to:

- Christmas design
- 50 % discount for masks
- 60 % discount for neon
- Lifetime V.I.P packet

In some cases the points did not got added instantly, in this case it will now order your points automatically and send a message to our admin.

Update 2011-11-28 R4

Code: Select all
- You can now start sentence with capital letter, i can be capital, and after period capital letter can be used in chat.
- Mechanics cannot use /fix inside a vehicle.
- /note2self (text) to save note to yourself, max 128 characters
- /notes to view/manage your notes (only 1024 characters of notes can be shown)
- Couple of fixes to the script

Update 2011-11-19 R3

Code: Select all
- /r (message) to reply to last private message
- /army and /swat commands to provide general information considering those groups
- Again multiple checkpoint fixes
- New vehicles at spawn points
- Bug considering chlamydia has been fixed
- Army spawns now with 25 grenades, Deagle, M4 and Sniper
- Minor fix to the auto kick timer
- The limit of give money command (/gc) has been increased to $250 000
- You need now 100 score for driving the SWAT tank
- Message on drag of the most wanted changed
- Coupe of other minor fixes

Update 2011-10-29

Code: Select all
- Multiple checkpoints fixed this includes donutshop, LV gas stations, casino checkpoints, LV sex shop ,etc.
- Started to add 3d text labels for robbing checkpoints.
- Taxi score bug fixed.
- Staff pm's and announcements will now show if it comes from a moderator or admin.


Update 2011-10-23

Code: Select all
- The top 10 page on the website is now changed into a top 25 page (
- Most active players page is now online (
- Security update for ingame, failing 3 times to login  will auto kick.
- Security update for ingame, failing to login in 30 seconds will auto kick.

Update 2011-10-22

We had to delete the terrorist skill and missions due an update we planned, stage25 and the other tow group gate got deleted for the same reason.

Code: Select all
- You can now carry 3 million without dropping cash.
- Weapon checkpoints for cops at lvpd and sfpd.
- Stage25 + Towgroup gate deleted.
- Lsvs deleted.
- Command /id playername to return players id.
- Command /playtime to see how long you been playing.
- Your game hours/minutes will save into your account.
- Terrorist skill and some missions deleted.
- Checkpoints stream way smoother this will increase gaming performance.
- Can't send messages anymore if your not logged in.
- Can't enter a vehicle as passenger if there aint a driver in the vehicle.
- Kidnap and Taxirank added.
- Skydive objects at los santos airport.
- 100 most active players page for the website (link will be posted soon).
- New color if your most wanted.
- Paycheck for medics.
- Few minor problems fixed.


Update 2011-09-11

Code: Select all
- Security update added to the donation shop.
- The donation shop has been made more user friendly.
- Pay by phone system added to the donation shop.

Update 2011-09-02

Code: Select all
- New admin system launched with ranks. A topic explaining it will be posted soon. /Staff
- Jail cards added. Bought via the donation shop they can be used to get out of jail.

Update 2011-09-02

Code: Select all
- Shotgun has been added to /dweap 

- /wlist for weapon dealers

- /disarm to disarm yourself

- Huntley has been added to Grotti/Auto Bahn/Wang Cars

- /engine /lights /bonnet /alarm /boot

- 2 more parachute jump locations added for donators dome

- Auto uncuffs after 15 seconds

- Bombs for every s.w.a.t member. They can pick up a bomb at there base by pressing F next to the s.w.a.t bomb.
To place the bomb hold the the detonator and press f.
To activate the bomb hold the detonator and press f after you placed the bomb.

- /prepbomb /blowbomb just in case you lose your detonator or just prefer commands

- Plugin update that hopefully fix the server freezes

- Top 10 on the homepage auto updates again

Update 2011-08-15

Code: Select all
Donation shop is back online 
Last edited by Wajeeh on December 23, 2017, 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Posts: 2734
Joined: October 7, 2012, 3:22 pm
Location: Tangent 90°

by Wajeeh » January 5, 2019, 2:15 pm
Please check latest updates and fixes here viewtopic.php?f=9&t=97792

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