A discussion about VIP Packet

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Post by Karu_Tepes » March 18, 2023, 11:25 pm
Disclaimer: This is meant to discuss in a polite manner how to make the VIP packet worth it's price. Please do not troll, joke, or argue/get rude, or staff will have full permission to yeet your posts into the abyss instead of just replying.

So, when V10 dropped, there was some complaints on the VIP Packet being a bit too OP, and while I can see how some thought that at the time, their complaints were also pretty much made moot. Originally, the idea was having free guns, drugs, and BM items on spawn was pay-to-win since groups lost everything. Thing is, staff have given groups back their guns, drugs, and items, as well as 2-shotting. So where's the issue? Well, let's look at the VIP packet itself and it's 'benefits'.

-> Free weapons on spawn: This is nice, but anyone with a group or faction can walk 30 feet and also have guns on spawn. Sure it was OP when groups lost their racks, but they have them back now. So this is moot.

-> Katana: One of my favorite parts of the VIP weapons was the Katana. Melee DM is always allowed, and so having it gave me a defense. Many users were fist DMing, and using police batons to troll people. Having a Katana let me fight back with a chance to actually win. However, V10 absolutely BROKE the katana. It no longer deals damage unless you have a reason to damage another user, and if you have the reason, a gun is simply better. Now, someone also stated I was "paying to evade the wanted level". Anyone can get a katana if they go to fightclub and buy it, but it gets you a 4-star wanted level. Thing is... there are certain houses with the same interior. You can buy it without the wanted level in them, so that point is moot as well.

-> Drugs: Now, this one I did agree with, having drugs on spawn was OP at the beginning of V10... except again, groups got this back. Factions have it still. I can get free drugs at spawn anyways. So this is moot as well.

-> Auto /bc: This remains the final 'perk' of the VIP packet... except it seems to be nerfed. Before I seemed to escape about 75% of the time. But now it feels like I never can escape. I get cuffed WAY more often now, so it's almost like it got nerfed into oblivion. It's practically useless unless RNGesus has graced you with his magical cuff jizz.

But, there lies a bigger issue... the price for 30 days of a VIP packet is 10dps. So it's rather overpriced, but... ENTIRELY NEGATED! If you go to the Black Market VIP, you get guns, drugs, items, cars, BM items, all for free, in unlimited amounts, without a wanted level. Every single thing the VIP Packet offers can be gotten for free in larger and more OP amounts with the BM vip, along with BM items, FOR FREE! And the total price for BM vip? 5 fucking dps. For half the price, you can get twice as much, you just need to drive a bit on spawn. With Buzzards, TGOLS, Vics, and Blackouts all being close to the BM, it negates the entire drive mostly. Literally the only thing you don't get is the nerfed auto /bc.

So... my main point of discussion is this: How can we make the VIP packet worth it's price? I know staff have said they are working to redo the donation store. I also know that what I give the server is a donation, not a purchase. The issue I face is, how can I justify buying the VIP packet with the way it currently sits? I'm not saying it should be removed, but looking at the larger picture, I think it really needs fixed if it's going to be as expensive as it is. Now, I made a suggestion with this in it https://ls-rcr.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=620&t=120753 but to pick it out of the full suggestion:

Why should it be accepted: Ever since the removal of Black Market items, the only real use of /dweap is the free guns and auto /bc which is nice, but it's not ten dollars nice. For half the price I can get the BM vip and get EVERYTHING plus more for free, making /dweap pretty useless. Maybe make all the "time+ perks" like the parrot and such standard? For example you buy /dweap and get neons/police lights/objects with it instead of getting them when you buy multiple months at once. Could also include specific weapons like grenades, or give us a feature like /exb to where all our bullets explode like the ones that used to be on shop. Basically, for ten bucks we just are overpaying.

Now, I stand by this suggestion. The main complaint was it was too OP. And while I disagree, I can also say that VIP Packet was entirely combat oriented. So, what if we made the features this?

->Free /dweap, armor, and items on spawn (so you can get right to playing)
->Free Neons/Police Lights/siren*
->Free Objects (the ones you put on your body, can add hats/parrot/headphones too)
->VIP command /EXB to make your bullets explosive (toggled on/off, they do no extra damage)
->Auto /bc
->Free Entry to the VIP club
->Immune from the health care charge, jail fees, and bank robberies

Now, another idea I had to go with this is a donation vehicle. Any vehicle you can buy in the store (meaning no vortex, hydra, rhino, ect) that would have police lights, neons, nitro, a siren, and most importantly, can be spawned anytime. Stuck in the middle of the desert because you rolled your car? just /VIPC(ar) and your chosen vehicle spawns right in front of you, as long as you're not wanted or hit. (I would add, people who are 'damagable' like police and hitmen COULD still spawn the vehicle, but if it's used to evade damage you get punished and your right to purchase VIP removed). *The police lights/neons suggested above would work ONLY with this vehicle if this was implemented.

I think most of what I suggested would be simple Quality of Life stuff, visuals, and some ways to make gameplay less challenging without making you an instant combat god with BM items, guns out the ass, drugs, and so on. You'll notice I did NOT include drugs/drug bag in my suggestion, and that was intentional. You get guns and items, no drugs. You also get no BM items, those would both be OP. But you still get plenty of visual fun, some quirky toys, and don't get the random money losses. The point of being a VIP is to be 'fancy' not OP. But I think we can all agree that VIP packet as it sits is extremely overpriced, negated by the cheaper Black Market VIP, and should be reexamined and rebuilt so it's worth the price.

But what do you think? Should something else be added? Removed? Let me know, and hopefully with the right thoughts and ideas staff can make something people will want to donate for, and not feel as ripped off as going to McDonalds and getting 6 chicken nuggets in your 10 piece.


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Post by Nex » March 19, 2023, 12:54 am
Oh shit, really thank you for ur ideas. Admins and ppls u should accept
I missed to show the game full rly


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Post by Astrl » March 20, 2023, 9:23 am
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