Full and updated Role-play Guide by Crossbones

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Post by Crossbones » February 2, 2020, 11:50 am


Role-play (Concept) - Taking a role, and playing it. In SAMP world the word "Roleplay" is defined as "Acting as In Real Life". Basically, it means to act as you would in-real-life situation. Everything you do should make "sense" and be realistic (means that by Role-playing you cannot do things that cannot be done IRL, ex; car-surfing or using sawn-offs to fight).


1 - Creating a background story

- Role-play is acting as if you're in real life so you're going to need a character name such as Michael Pagati.
- Once you have your name, you'll need to determine where he/she is from, how old he/she is and how tall he/she is, also how much he/she weighs for ex. This is extremely important for role-play because you'll need to communicate with other people and you need to fit in the right group or you'll get "hurt".

2 - Understanding the rules

Role-playing, as the game itself, has some rules which everyone needs to follow and not break them in any form. If these rules are broken, it means that you are doing something wrong and it is not considered as Role-playing. Always respect the rules and keep everything realistic. You're going to need to know the following terms: Metagaming, Powergaming, Bunnyhopping, Deathmatching, Revenge killing, In character, Out of Character. There are so much more but these are the main terms you must know. Below, I've listed the main rules/terms of Role-play:

1 - Metagaming is using out of character information, in character. So, let's say your friend is getting robbed and he private messages you where he's getting robbed and by who, so you come over and kill the robbers. This is metagaming as you didn't find this out in character. Also, this may include adressing with IG name instead of IC name (/w Hey, Crossbones!)

2 - Powergaming is forcing action upon another character without allowing them to role-play back such as you punching your enemy and creating the emote with this; *Michael Pagati punches Frank Costello in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out* This is powergaming and is not allowed, since in this case you decide what happens to the other character without his opinion and the usage of command /do. There is another type of powergaming which is doing things that are physically and mentally impossible such as *Michael Pagati picks up a garbage truck, throwing it over a tall building* This is impossible and considered powergaming. With other words, Powergaming means to do things which are not realistic and cannot be done in-real-life! (car-surfing and usage of sawn-offs in a fight).

3 - Bunnyhopping is quite simple, bunnyhopping is pressing the jump button multiple times in a row to get somewhere quicker and abusing the system (considered Powergame).

4 - Deathmatching is killing someone for a horrible reason such as killing because he/she told you to "fuck off". This applys to both IC and OOC situations, you cannot kill someone for "pathetic reasons" and for OOC reasons (insulting by not Role-playing).

5 - Revenge killing is killing someone who has previously killed you within an hour or so and they haven't done anything. Once someone has killed you, it means that you cannot approach them again and kill them or have previous memories.

6 - In Character is asking as if you were in real life, using command /w. (IC - Character development)

7 - Out of Character is PMs and /b, and other things which are not related with the Role-play and with the out of character brackets (( )).

3 - Usage of Role-play commands in-game

/w - IC talk, use only for talking while role-playing in order to have a conversation with someone (ex; /w Hello sir, how is your day?) Always keep it formal while talking! Don't use slang words.

/b - OOC talk, you may use /b while you are not Role-playing or you want to talk with someone without interrupting the Role-play (ex; /b where u at bro?)

/me - action that you are displaying. This is the main command to use while role-playing. It shows your emotions and an action which you want to take that cannot be visible to others without notifying them. Before taking an action, always use /me (ex; /me bends his knees as he sits down).

/do - describing the surroundings and completing the RP scenario. /do command is more complicated that /me. It has 2 functions:
1 - describing the surroundings (ex; /do You woud notice a paper on the desk.)
2 - consulting with another player that you are role-playing in order to complete the RP scenario. (ex; /do Will he fall after I punched him?)

/animlist - animations which can come in handy while RPing in order to express an action and to make the scenario more realistic. (ex; /chairsit2, /rollfall, /hide, /aim 1)

/rpmode - enable RP mode, you are able to take damage if you get shot in the head, crash with the car, shot in the body etc.

Example of a RP scenario based on the information and the CMDs above:

/me walks in the office.
/w Good evening Don, may I be seated?
/do Will he notice me?
Don - /do Yes.
Don - /w Be seated.
/w Thank you.
/me bends his knees as he sits down.
/do You would notice that I'm seated right now.

- https://www.wikihow.com/Roleplay-on-San ... ultiplayer



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Post by Osolnik » February 2, 2020, 1:27 pm
Well done, great guide! It should come in handy to a lot of players that want to learn.


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Post by Crossbones » February 2, 2020, 1:39 pm
Osolnik wrote :
Well done, great guide! It should come in handy to a lot of players that want to learn.
thanks for the feedback, appreciate it ;)


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Post by RockingJohnson » February 2, 2020, 2:10 pm
Good work bro, helpful as well.
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Post by Luka » February 3, 2020, 1:37 pm
Very nice man


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Post by AK33L » February 3, 2020, 2:11 pm
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Post by Faraon78910 » February 3, 2020, 5:53 pm
Nice tutorial, but there are few mistakes.

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Post by Crossbones » February 3, 2020, 6:44 pm
Faraon78910 wrote :
Nice tutorial, but there are few mistakes.
enlighten us pro so I can fix them


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Post by Squanix » September 17, 2020, 12:07 pm
Nice man , i'll improve my skills by this post of roleplay guide


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Post by Crystel » September 18, 2020, 2:55 pm
Great work!

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